Chapter Thirty Two

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Kyros (3rd person)

"WHAT ARE YOU doing?" He asked, his eyebrow raised and the edges of his lips rising a little.

"I-" She cleared her throat, grinning at him, "I was cooking-"

"For you."

He could feel his heartbeat pounding through his chest; his mate took his breath away. Even in her flour covered self and her cute little bunny slippers, she was the epitome of beauty. The nervous glint in her eyes was the most adorable thing in the world.

He steadied her body with his long, strong arms by holding her waist. The feeling of her slim waist beneath his colossal hands had him hankering to keep her in his hold for all of eternity. He imagined his hands all over her olive skin, for he was felt more calm, more whole, or more healthy than when she was by his side. But the logical side of him didn't want to pull her into his darkness and taint her innocence with the beast inside of him.

But, for once, he wanted to be selfish.

If it meant having her by his side his entire life, then God damn it, he was going to be selfish.

He wanted her.

He wanted her so fücking bad.

He was attracted to her with the kind of heady trance that brings a butterfly to nectar. Her, with just the right blend of shy and sweet. He was right, too. She was, quite simply, the kindest and most adorable person he had ever met. She was mad at him, yet she still took time to make him food. He felt her selfless acts penetrating through his heart and softening it slowly.

For him, she was more beautiful than the winter sun above pristine snow; she was warmer than spring sunshine on soft new grass; she was more mesmerizing than the fall leaves. His attraction to her wasn't because she was beautiful, though she was, it is to her soul, to the wonderful person she was inside.

The mark on her neck did not help the bulge in his pants. He wanted to keep her by his side forever and he wanted her to always be with him.

But he couldn't stop her from leaving.

He knew she wasn't safe with him - from him.

He couldn't fucking breath without her but he couldn't stop her from leaving, how fucked up was that?

Almost as if his arousal was noticeable, Talia's adorable smile slowly began to fade. She gulped audibly and analyzed his expression.

Kyros's hold tightened on her, pulling her ever so close. They were inches apart; their bodies were so close together, their breaths fanned each others faces. Kyros could feel his beast taking control, the feeling of his arousal clouding his judgement.

The only thought on his mind was her.

Her lips.

Her touch.

Her smile.

Her everything.

Talia's hands found themselves roaming onto his chest, finding their place and staying there. He leaned closer to her by instinct, until their foreheads collided. Her intoxicating smell flooded his senses. He tilted his head and leaned closer so that their noses touched.

"I smell chocolate, what's cookin'?" Adonis boomed suddenly.

Talia jumped out of his hold in shock and Kyros moved away from her. The two stood there awkwardly, almost as if they hadn't just been about to kiss.

Kyros knew, in that moment, he was going to murder Adonis.

Adonis grinned cheekily as he passed by the stove and took a peek inside the pot, "Talia, you made my favourite. How'd you know?"

Talia, angry at his interruption, glared at him. Unbeknownst to her fury, he side-hugged the tiny female, petting her hair like a dog.

Kyros growled at his action, taking a step towards him and baring his teeth, his anger towards Adonis only increasing.

Adonis moved away and grabbed a plate to sit at the table, completely oblivious to Kyros and Talia's sexual tension.

"Well, are we going to eat or not?"



IT WAS THE next morning.

Today was the day I was leaving.

It was time. The time I knew would come sooner or later but dreaded.

I packed my clothes after dinner last night, with the help of Esmerelda, taking occasional breaks to shed a few tears together. This time wasn't like the last; I actually felt attached to this place now, like it was my pack, my home, my sanctuary.

I had thirty minutes until my departure; I watched the sun rise for the last time, sitting on this balcony. I closed my eyes, breathing in a deep fresh of air. Unlike the last time, I actually felt ready to leave.

Leaving Kyros was going to be hard, especially for my wolf, but I needed to do it. I needed to be alone, away from him. Distance would do us good. He needed time for himself; to understand what he wants and whether he wants this mate bond.

It'll be good for both of us.

A knock on my door pulls me out of my trance. I get up and close the balcony doors behind me. Adonis is behind the door when I open it.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded, "My bags are already in the car. We can go now."

Adonis analyzed my face, "Talia."

I nodded, "I'm ready, I promise."

I begin to reminisce as I leave the walls that have been my cocoon for the months when I needed their sanctuary, and I thank them. My eyes wander the rugged clay surface, their rosy colour bright yet earthen. My hands feel the warmth of sun, imparted to them yet given back with a steady determination. Leaving this place was never going to be easy, yet I took these emotions with me, these memories of comfort and joy.

On our way to the car, Kyros caught my attention. Adonis got in the car, presumably to give us space.

I stepped closer to him - we were about a meter apart but it felt like a thousand. The distance in between us was tremendous and my departure would seemingly worsen the pain.

We stared at each other and this time, his gaze wasn't as cold. If I didn't know him, I'd think he wanted me to stay. We locked eyes for a while, none of us ready to break away.

My first instinct was to run up to him, hug him and hold him and never let go. But I ignored that - as well as my inner wolf who pleaded me not to go. She tried taking control of me, but I fought against her. I broke our trance first.

And this time, I was the one to walk away.

I got into the car silently, feeling his hot gazes through the window as my head hangs low, heavy with thoughts of him. I closed my eyes, blocking the tears from falling, feeling my heart rip into a million little tiny pieces.

My heartbreak was grief that comes in waves, gruelling, stealing appetite and sleep alike. It was a shard in my guts that never left, though perhaps in time the edges would dull. It feels like death just the same as bereavement and in quiet moments it chokes the breath from my body and short circuits my mind. It felt like concrete drying in my chest.

It took a while for Adonis to start the engine and when he did, I didn't expect Kyros to stop me.

And he didn't.

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