Entry 11

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Concupiscence. A passionate desire, specifically for something that was forbidden by God. Father David had done a weekly sermon on it at the compound. He had made eye contact with her a lot during those sermons. Maybe he could see something in her she didn't even know was there.

We must learn to control these passions, he had said, so that we use our mind and our body in a God-honoring way. It was a sign of a deprived mind, and if you didn't give those sinful thoughts over to God, the lust you felt could give way to deviant actions. Deviant.

That's what she was. A deviant. A sodomite, contaminated with the filth of the world.

She thought about Father David, and the things he would say and do if he found out what she'd done. Maybe a whole month in isolation, maybe more.

But he wasn't here. It was a fact she had to keep reminding herself of. It constantly felt like he was there, watching over her thoughts, keeping a tally of every bad thing that went through her head.

Like how she couldn't help but smile when she thought about going home to Carmen after work, or how when she bit her cheek too hard it gave her the familiar metallic taste of Carmen's tongue.

Sometimes, her thoughts wandered further. She thought about running her fingers over Carmen's breasts, and wondered what it felt like to squeeze one. What did her nipple rings feel like? Did they make her nipples stay hard?

She thought about the way Carmen had gripped her hips, and how strangely warm and dizzy it had made her feel. She wanted to feel it again.

Father David has said two women couldn't have sex. Not real sex, anyway. It didn't work like that. It wasn't the way God made it.

Maria didn't know if that was true or not. She didn't know how to have sex with another woman. She didn't even really know the explicit details of how to have sex with man.

Who would be on top, she wondered? She closed her eyes, picturing it. Probably Carmen...


Maria yelped, tossing the dress she was hemming away from her, onto the floor. Ms. Weber stood in the doorway watching her with a confused, If not slightly amused, gaze.

"I—I'm sorry!" She said, lowering her head and picking the dress back up. "I was daydreaming."

"It's okay." Mrs. Weber said slowly walking into the room. "You don't have to apologize for that. You're a very diligent worker. Too much so, I would say. In fact, it scares me sometimes."

"Idle hands are the devil's work." She said, mostly out of habit. Mrs. Weber cracked a small smile.

"Sure." She said. Her gray eyes narrowed for a moment, focusing on something, and she said. "What happened to your neck?"

"I Uh," Maria subconsciously reached up and touched the bandage. It had finally scabbed over, and was starting to itch. "I cut myself cooking."

"You cut your neck cooking?" Ms. Weber smiled.

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