Entry 15

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Lorelei grabbed at the Lady Knight's hand through the dirty steel bars

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Lorelei grabbed at the Lady Knight's hand through the dirty steel bars. She grasped her calloused fingers tightly, and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Come, Marin. Open the gate. Please kiss me once more."

Marin drew her hand away, and didn't look down to meet her eyes.

"I should have never indulged you." She said, "You're going to get us both hung from the city gate."

Lorelei's lip began to tremble, and her eyes filled with tears.

"You don't have to be so rude." She said, "Don't you care for me at all?"

A deep sigh came from Marin, and echoed around the dungeon walls. She turned around, and kneeled before the princess.

"You can't just use your tears to get everything you want." She said. She reached in, and grabbed Lorelei's chin, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "Even though it has worked this time."

In one swift movement, she kissed Marin fiercely, while also fishing the keys from her belt.

Before long, she was in the cell with her, pressing her forward as they kissed. She paused only to push Lorelei down onto the dirty mat on the floor, and was on her again in moments, legs on either side of her hips, as she grasped the sheer material of her gown and—

Maria folded the edge of the page and closed the book, setting it down on her nightstand. She was nearly ten chapters in, and had nervously skipped over every single sex scene so far. Even though she was alone, she couldn't help but somehow feel deeply embarrassed about indulging her more... lurid... thoughts. Thoughts that were usually about women, mainly Carmen.

Speaking of Carmen, It was getting late, and she would be expecting her soon. Although she was already dressed, she still couldn't seem to calm herself down.

Despite the fact that she had spent so much time with Carmen already, there was a deep seeded fear in her that she would somehow manage to make a fool of herself tonight. Maybe that was the real reason that God hated dating; he wanted to keep you safe from all of the inevitable social blunders.

There was a knock at the door, and Maria didn't waste any time stuffing the book under her pillow. It was just in time, too, as Carmen didn't wait for her response before she opened the door and walked in.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, jingling her keys in her hand.

"Almost!" Maria said. She stood up, and straightened out the wrinkles on her dress. "Just give me one more minute."

Carmen nodded and shut the door. Maria wasted no time running over to the desk by the window, and pulling out the bracelet Spencer Blake had given her, along with the note.

With shaking fingers, she crammed them into her pocket, intending to dispose of them while they were in the city. It seemed to risky to throw it away inside of the house.

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