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I shouldn't have to feel misplaced in my own home. I shouldn't have to act like I laugh with my family. I shouldn't have to be the way you want me to be. Why can't I be myself.

I'm tired of staying in my room, on my phone with headphones. I would love to hangout with my family, but I can't. There is always something I did wrong or I didn't do right. Why would I get screamed at for doing something, when my other family members don't get screamed at.

It's not fair. Why don't I get the new clothes and sneakers. Why don't I get snacks or McDonald's when my family members leave and comeback with food for the rest, but not me.

Why does no one listen to me. My other family members can tell stories and I listen to the details and I comment here and there when needed. But then I tell a story and it's like something magically pops up and you can't hear it.

Why is everything my fault. 'Well if you didn't do this, then this wouldn't had happened' I didn't even do anything.

Why can't I dress the way I want to dress. Everyone here is different in the way they want to dress, but yet when I dress the way I want to it's a big ass problem.

Why is that nothing I do ever good enough. I took extra classes to make sure I was the top. I took extra test to make me get credit points. But yet I have to do more. Why do I have to do more.

When will all this stop. Never I'm assuming.


"Peter Stark has sadly taken his own life last night. The Avengers are all in tears for their fallen family member. If more information as in why he took his own life comes out, we will alert you all. Christine Everhart signing out"


Words: 323

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