The Drive

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"MOM!!! BELLA STOLE MY EARBUDS!!"  Matt yells from his room down the hall.

"I DID NOT" I yell back.

It's summer break. School is out and we were on our way to our summer home. Technically it was our 2 summer homes. We shared it with the rest of our family. Cousins and aunts and uncles. There were  2 houses on the beach right next to each other. One for the parents and one for the kids. 9 kids and 6 parents. 15 in all.

The first day of summer and We're packing up our things. I'm mostly packed. I've checked off my list. Tees, shorts, underwear, swimwear, towels, bathroom necessities, charger and snacks in my backpack for the drive.

"DID TOO" Matt yells again. Matthew is my younger brother. He's 15 turning 16 August 26 and I have 2 More older ones. Gabriel and Nathaniel are twins and they're 17 about to be 18, in 3 days. I'm the middle one. I turn 17 on July 18.




"HEY! NO YELLING IN THIS HOUSEHOLD" my dad yells from the hallway. "GET OVER HERE!"

Matt and I instantly shut up and go into the hallway.

"NOW WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?!" My dad continues to yell. I hear my mom stifle a laugh. Dad looks back at her and grins but quickly hides it when he sees me looking.

"Matt is accusing me of stealing his crusty earbuds when I have my own." I say calmly.

"She did!" Matt exclaims. I turn to him.

"Did not!" I say. My dad rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"

"Enough! I took the earbuds! Do you guys every shut up!" Gabe yells from his room. A second later a pair of earbuds come flying out of the his doorway and hits Matt in the face.

I smirk. "I told you I didn't take them."

Matt just sticks his tongue out at me and walks away.


"Everyone in the car?" Dad asks from the front of our van.

"Yes sir!" I responded jokingly.

Nate is in the back with some suitcases and the food for the beach house. I'm stuck between Gabe and Matt in the middle and mom and dad are in the front. The sun is just starting to come up. We woke up early to pack the last few things.

"Alrighty then! Let's go!" Dad pulls out of the driveway. I look at our house for the last time for the whole summer.

"Bella. Stop leaning on me." Matt says.

"I wasn't"

"Yes you were."

"What are you talking about! This is how I sit!"

"Oh my bad I didn't know you were the leaning tower of Pisa" he says. I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of pizza. I'm hungry. Dad can we get food." Nate's head pops up from where he was laying.

"We just got onto the road. So no." Dad answers.

"Mom I'm hungry.." Nate whines.

"Hello, hungry. Nice to meet you." Mom says.

We all groan. Dad high fives her. "Good one!"

I open my backpack and take out some Doritos. I open the bag and all my brothers heads turn towards me.

I sigh and say "Yes. You can all have some."

They grin and all of them move towards me at the same time.

"Whoa! I said you can eat the Doritos, not me! One! At! A! time!" I exclaim shrinking down.

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