The Attack Part 2

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When they leave i go inside. The boys all move from their spots by the window and try to look innocent.

"Heyy. You're alive! Yay!" Matt says.

"I know you guys were spying on me." I say with my arms crossed.

"Yeah we were and we saw your boyfriend." Eli says.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my friend."

"Yeah right. I could see the chemistry from here." Jaime says.

"Your not even good at chemistry what would you know?" I say going into the kitchen. The boys all follow me.

"Ooo burn. I wish i came up with that one." Eli says.

"Well. I- um. Yeah." Jaime says. We all turn to look at him. "Why're you guys always bullying me?"

"No comment." I say.

"i'll comment." Eli turns to Jaime and looks him over. "Because you're an idiot and it's fun."

"Preach." Andy says sitting at the table. "Someone make me a sandwich."

"Okay fine. If i'm such an idiot. I won't speak to you." Jaime says and walks out.

"I'm hungry. I could really use a sandwich right now." Andy says.

"Dude. You literally ate 5 minutes ago." Matt says.

"So. I said i was hungry not that i didn't eat all day."

"So about that boyfriend of yours. He treat you right?" Nate says from his spot on the counter top. He tries to make it sound like no big deal.

"I have no boyfriend at the moment so i can't answer to that." I say opening the cupboards looking for food. "Why do we always run out of food?"

"Okay. Does that kid treat you right." Nate responds.

"His name is Sam. And yes he does." I leave the kitchen and go into the living room. I sit on the couch. The boys follow me in and sit down too. Eli sits on the lazy boy with his feet perched up at the top. Gabe lays down on the other couch and parker sits on his legs. Alex and Andy sit on either side of me on the couch. Nate sits on the edge of the other couch.

"Why do i feel like your following me?" I say reaching for the remote. Alex jumps up and grabs the remote before i can.

"Ha! No chick flicks tonight." He says going to Netflix.

"We are not following you. We're trying to have some family time." Eli says. Then all of a sudden he laughs. "Haha. That sounded so weird coming from me"

"Leave me alone." I whine and get up.

"Where you going bells?" Gabe says sitting up.

"Yeah. Where you going?" Parker says.

"Huh? Where? Can i come?" Eli says joining in.

"Ughhhh. Stoppp!" I say stomping into the hallway and up the stairs. They all burst into laughter. "You're all so annoying!"

When I get to my bedroom door Jaime opens the door to his room.

"I know right." He says. He comes over to my room and sits on my bed. I close the door behind me and go into my closet.

"What are you doing?" He says.

"Getting my pajamas." I pull out one of Nate's shirts that I stole, It has his name and our school name on it, and black shorts.

"Oh." He lays back onto my bed. "So Sam's not your boyfriend?"

I take off my clothes and change into my pajamas. "Nope. We're just friends."

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