Only fools rush in...

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"Ughh." I groan.

Im laying on the couch in the basement. Jaime is bench pressing. Cole, Sam and Jazzy are playing pool.

"Dude. Are you okay?" Sammy asks.

"Noo." I groan.

Cole shoots and scores or whatever you call it and he cheers. Jasmine laughs.

"What's wrong?" Sammy asks.

"I have a pizza hangover." I groan again clutching my stomach.

He raises an eyebrow. "Pizza hangover?"

"Yeah. I ate too many slices last night. My stomach is cramping."

"You sure it's not your period?" He asks amused.

Jasmine laughs. I glare at them. "No."

He shrugs and makes a shot or score. "You probably need to poop." He turns to me again. "Have you pooped yet?"

I blush and hide my face under a pillow.

"Shut up." I mumble.

He laughs loudly. I peek a look at him. The way he laughs. I see Jasmine looking at him fondly, the same way I am, and I remember.

"Whew. I think that's enough for me today." Jaime gets up and takes his shirt. He wipes his forehead with it.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To take a shower?" He says confused.

"No after."

"My bed?"

"Oh. Never-mind. I thought you were going out after."

He shakes his head. "Stupid."

I glare at his back retreating up the stairs.

I lay back down. "I need more friends. You guys are boring."

"But you love us." Jasmine says.


My phone dings and I take it out.

-Jayden Hofflen

I blush and turn off my phone.

I look up and see Cole, Jasmine and Sam looking at me.


"Why are you blushing?" Cole smirks.

I shrug and blush even more.

"Omg! Is it a boy?! Tell me!" Jasmine squeals.

"No?" I say meekly.

"Liar!" She shrieks. "Omg! Tell me everything now! Is he cute or is he hot!?"

Sam wraps his arms around Jasmine from behind and pulls her closer to him, resting his chin on her head.

"Forgetting about me already?" Sam asks seeming amused.

"No! I could never." She turns around and kisses him.

I look away.

"Get a room!" Cole gags.

I take out my phone again and reply.


He texts back immediately.

So about that date... you still wanna go?
-Jayden Hofflen

Yeah. Why wouldn't i?

No reason.
-Jayden Hofflen

Can i pick you up friday?
-Jayden Hofflen

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