Take A Trip

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"I want McDonalds."

"I know." Parker says.

Parker, Carter, Nate, Lucas, and I are sitting next to the pool in the back. The other boys are out somewhere. I suspect Jaime is with his girlfriend.

"You've been saying that for the past week. Go get some then." Nate says.

"I would but the nearest McDonalds is like an hour away."

"Go on a hour trip." Nate says and jumps into the pool splashing me.

I glare at him.

"Wanna race?" Lucas asks me and pulls me up.

"Sure but the real question is. You want me to drown?" I say.

"Oh. I forgot you can't swim." He laughs then pushes me in the water. "Float."

I fall into the water with a big splash then I come up to the surface. I panic and start waving my arms everywhere.

"Relax!" Lucas yells from where he's standing.

Easy for him to say. He's not the one getting swallowed by posideon's water babies.

Nate swims up to me and grabs my arm lifting me onto him. I grab onto his shoulders and he swims me to the shallow end where my head is a little bit above water.

"You jerk. I told you i couldn't swim." I say.

"And I told you to float. How are you going to get better if you don't even go in the water." Lucas replies coming over to where I am. He holds his hand out for me to grab.

"I don't want to get better at swimming. I want to get better at tanning." I say and climb out the pool with his help.

"Fine." He says.

"Fine." I say then I push him into the water.

He sputters up to the surface.

"That didn't affect me because unlike you I can swim." He says with a smug smile.

"Whatever." I say and walk over to my lawn chair. I take my towel, dry myself then sit down. I close my eyes and concentrate on my tan.

5 minutes later I say. "I still want McDonalds."

"Then lets go get some." A familiar voice says from behind me.

I open my eyes. Looking down at me is a tan freckled face with green eyes. I grin.

"Sammy!" I get up. "What are you doing here?"

"You texted me an hour ago saying you were bored so I came to the rescue with my car." He grins.

He sits next to me on the lawn chair.

"What were you doing just laying there." He asks.

"Tanning and thinking about Mcdonalds." I say.

"You don't need to tan. You're already tan."

"I know but like I said i'm bored."

"Let's go to Mcdonald's." He says.

"Really?" I say hopefully.

"Yeah. You wanted Mcdonalds didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. Okay i'll go change." I start to get up when Nate gets out of the pool.

"Is this the famous Sam?" He asks.

"The one and only." Sam says smiling.

"Are you guys dating?" Parker asks looking up from his game of chess with Carter.

That SummerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz