Omg..Am i a weirdo?

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I groan and try to turn over but something is holding onto me. I open my eyes and see Sammy laying next to me on his stomach, his arm draped over me.

I'm confused as to what he's doing in my bed until the memories from last night come in.

"We could both take the bed."

I blush. At least he's still wearing his clothes from yesterday. Although that may  have been uncomfortable. I'll have to find him some clothes.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Sammy groans and turns his head towards me. I make a move to get up but his arm tightened around me.

"Stay." I hear him whisper. I look at him. His eyes are still closed.

I must've imagined it

I look around for my phone. I find it under my pillow. It's not my alarm going off. So it must be Sam's. I check the time. It's exactly 5 in the morning.

Oh it's time for our run.

I tap Sammy on the shoulder. He continues to snore softly. I tap him again but he doesn't wake up. I decide to let him sleep in. One because he was super tired last night and two because I want to sleep in too.

I turn off his alarm and go back to sleep.


"BREAKFAST!" My bedroom door bangs open.

Damn i forgot to lock it.

I hear a gasp. I groan and open my eyes. Sammy is laying right next to me but he's on his back this time and i'm laying on his chest. His arms hold me close.

What the hell happens when we're sleeping, how do we get in these positions?

"I can not believe parker and Nate allowed this." Gabe says from my bedroom door.

I look over at him and he's standing with his hand on his mouth. Sammy's woken up by now. Gabe leaves before i can tell him to keep his mouth shut.

"Good morning beau-" He pauses. "Bean."

"'Morning. We're about to die but good morning."

"What do you mean." He says confused. I gesture to our position on the bed and he sighs. "We better get up then."

"Isabella!" I hear Nate growl and stomp up the steps.

"I think it's a little too late for that." I say just as Nate walks, more like stomps, into my room.

"I trusted you." He says and I immediately look down because I was expecting everything other than that.

"It's not what it looks like." I say weakly.

"Oh? You mean you didn't break my trust and go sleep with him and have the decency to say that ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" He yells.

I don't say anything and Sam speaks up. "It was my fault. She was going to sleep on the floor but I told her she should just sleep up here."

"Yeah well. I didn't make you promise not to sleep together. That was bella." Nate says.

I get angry at that.

"What makes you able to decide who I sleep with!? You've slept with more girls i can think of! I sleep with one guy and it's not even like that and your over here lecturing me about that!? Get off your fucking high horse! You're no better. You're worse. So excuse me, I'll sleep with whoever the fuck I want! Okay?!'

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