[2] Bonfire

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*3rd person POV*

"The little girl over there, that's Emmy-the Glade's first and only girl. She's also the youngest here." Newt explains, point to her with a jar of moonshine in hand.

" Newt explains, point to her with a jar of moonshine in hand

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"Whatever you do, do not call her Emerson. Trust me, I had to learn the hard way."

(A/n: I had the darkest thought that that's how Newt got his limp...)

"Why? Is that her real name or something?"



Emmy notices Newt and the Greenie and walk over to them, away from Gally's fighting ring.

"Hey Newt!" The little girl say, walking up to him and the Greenie.

"Hello Emmy." He replies.

"So, does everyone call you Emmy?" The Greenie asks her.

"Not twice." She say, sternly, trying to hide a smile and watch in amusement as she watches the Greenie fumble.

"Emmy!" Newt exclaims in surprise at what I just said.

"What? I said I wanted to meet him, but I never said I'd be easy on him. But I'm only kidding! Everyone calls me Emmy. I sure Newt informed you on the other thing." She says.

"What if I wanted to be a Runner?" The Greenie asks.

"Have you listened to a word I just said? No one wants to be a Runner. Besides, you have to get chosen." Newt explains.

"Chosen by who?"

Before Newt could answer, Gally's opponent went barreling into the Greenie's back. Emmy quickly steps back and dodged the boy but they stumbled forward.

"What to ya say Greenie? Wanna see what you're made of?" Gally challenges.

As we watched the Greenie enter Gally's Death Ring, the rowdiness from the others clears up as Gally begins to explain the rules.

"The rules are simple Greenie; I try to push you out of the circle-you try to last more than 5 seconds."

They circled each other, the Greenie watching Gally warily. "Ready?"

Then without warning, Gally charges forward grabbing the Greenie's shoulders and making him stumble into the guy's surrounding the circle. They pushed him back into the ring. Gally used his lack of balance to his advantage and grabs his shirt and shoving him to the ground.

"Come on Greenie, we're not done yet!"

"Stop calling me Greenie!"

"I'm scared." Emmy whimper to Newt. He crouched down to her level.

"Have a little faith in the Greenie, Emmy. He'll come through." He assures her.

"Stop calling you that? What do you ya wanna be called? Shank?"

Emmy covers her ears.

"What do you think boys?" Gally asks. "Does he look like a Shank?"

"Don't do it, don't do it..." She mumble to myself. He did it.

Running at him again, the Greenie was stopped by Gally grabbing his shoulders, wheeling him around the ring, he tossed the Greenie near the sand edge.

"Y'know what? I'm settled on Shank!"

The Greenie grabs Gally around his middle, With Gally forcing the Greenie to be near the edge, he suddenly ducks under his arm before shoving Gally to the ground.

"See? I told you the Greenie would come through." Newt says, once she remove her hands from her ears.

"Yeah." She says.

Out of the corner of my eye, Emmy saw the Greenie land oh his side as his head hit the ground. Everyone quieted down, waiting for his to get up.

"Thomas." He whispers. The boy got to his feet. "Thomas. Hey! Thomas. I remember my name! I'm Thomas!"

Suddenly, a high pitch scream comes from the Maze.

"Monsters!" She say to herself, covering my ears.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asks, probably scared of out his mind. I uncover my ears once the screaming stops.

"That, my friend, was a Griever." Gally states. "Don't worry. You're safe with us. Nothing gets through those walls."

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