[10] The Girl in Group B

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Becca smiled softly at the group that was entering the cafeteria. They were unsure of what to do in the new place, muttering to themselves. There was a masculine Korean boy, a dark skinned boy, a blonde boy wearing white, a brown haired boy wearing blue, and a little girl-maybe 10 or 11 years old.

She was with these older boys in their group? How could they do that to a child? Becca speculates.

Becca looks at the boy sitting next to her, quirking an eyebrow. A few moments after, he shrugs. He has only shook his head in disappointment when new arrivals came.

"It's been three days, nine meals-this makes 10. How much longer do I have to keep waiting?" The brunette whispers angrily to the boy.


"...and there was this big, loud explosion." The boy across from them continues. "And these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place.

"It was intense." The other boy adds.

"They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here."

"What about the rest?" Newt asks. "The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?"

The boy shrugs. "I don't know. I guess WICKED still has them."

"How long you guys been here?"

"Not long. Just a day or two. Those kids over there has been here the longest. Almost a week."

All their focus is on both people. The boy has his hoodie over his head and the girl is wearing a brown long sleeve shirt that is rolled up to her elbows with a once white shirt over it and light brown hair that drapes just past her shoulders.

"His maze was nothing but girls."

"Really?" Minho questions. "At least one of the cute ones got out alive."

Thomas glares daggers at Minho, not appreciating the comment.

"Some guys have all the luck."

"Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies." Janson greets. "You all know how this works. If you hear your name called...please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me...where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin. Connor. Evelyn. Ev! Justin. Peter. Allison. Squiggy."

A few scattered chuckles could be heard.

"All right. Settle down. Franklin. And Abigail. Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up."

When Janson leaves, the boy stares at the entrance Janson came.

"Where are they going?" Minho questions.

"Far from here. Lucky bastards." The boy responds.

"Some kind of farm. A safe place." The other boy cuts in. "They can only take in a couple of people at a time."

Thomas' eyes catch onto something on the far side of the room. Teresa was being escorted by doctors through the hallway that bordered the cafeteria.

"What the hell?" He mutters out loud. "Hey, Teresa? Teresa!"

Thomas begins making his way to her. "Hey, hey, hey. Where are they taking her?" Thomas demands.

"They just have to run a few more tests. Don't worry, they'll be done with her soon." Janson replies.


Not long after the boys were escorted to their dorm, which had bunk beds lining the walls on either side. Clean mattresses and neatly folded clothes at the end of the beds.

"I got top bunk!" Frypan claims, but was interrupted by Minho, who was on the top bunk in a split second.

"Too slow." He teased.

"I could get used to this." Winston sighs, laying down on a lower bunk with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah. It's not bad." Newt comments.

"Hey, what do you think those guys want with Teresa?"

Newt turns to Thomas, his worry fills his features.

"Now, if there's one thing I know about those girls, they can take care of themselves. Don't worry about it."

But Newt did worry, thoughts of Emerson and what could be happening to her. But he knew his sister was strong. After all, she did survive three years in the Glade with all boys.


It didn't take long to get to the new group's room. Becca stays behind while Aris gets the boy. He opens up the hatch.

"Hey. Down here."

The brown haired boy from earlier, sticking his head over the side of the bed spotting the two teenagers in the vent shaft.

"Oh, my god."

Aris signals him to be quiet.

"Come on. Follow us."

Becca was leading the way she had been there a couple times so she already knows the way pretty well.

After a few minutes crawling through corners they reach their destination.

"What the hell am I doing? What are we doing?" Thomas asks.

"Come here. Watch." Becca responds. This was the first time he had ever really hear her speak. He looks at her until he apprehends the sound of heels clicking on the floor below. He lowers his sight back down to the grate.
The doctor unlock a door using a key card she had pinned to her jacket allowing for the others behind her to wheel in the beds, which obviously has bodies underneath. Aris looks to the boy, who had not revealed his name, as soon as the doors closed again.

"What the hell was that?"

"They bring in new ones every night like clockwork." Aris tells him.

"You know what they do with them?" Thomas asks.

"We don't know. This is as far as we've ever gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door, they don't come back out. I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place."

"Come on. We've gotta go before somebody notices we're gone." Becca speaks up.

"Why did you show me this?"

Aris turns back around.

"Because maybe the others will listen to you. There's something weird going on here. And I know you think so, too."

They begin to leave prior to Thomas calling out, "Hey, wait. What are your names?"



"My name's Thomas."

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