[16] Please Don't Kill Us, Zeus

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"I thought we were supposed to be immune?" Minho asks.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa speaks up.

"If Winston can get infected... we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt states.

"I never thought I'd say it...I miss the Glade." Frypan says.


Emerson's dream was in the same white facility hallway. With Janson and the unknown blonde woman.

"I know you think that Drill is your friend. But Emerson, listen to me. Drill is not your friend. He's dangerous." The blonde woman says.

"That's not true. He said he was going to make Newtie better." Young Emerson explains.

"No, he's...he's trying to trick you."

"He's not. He said that you were gonna confuse me, and that's what you do."

"This is enough." Janson cuts in. "We are not playing a game here."

"But it is a game. It's the most important game of all and I have to win." Emerson turns back to the blonde woman. "Please don't make me lose; I want my brother to live."

"I know, I know. It's okay Emerson. I won't make you lose."


"I can't lose!" Emerson bolts up into a sitting position.

"Emmy?" Newt whispers, shifting his gaze to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nightmare. Why are you up?"

"Just thinking. Do you know what your nightmare was about?"

"Yeah, I think so. It was in a white hallway, Janson and another woman with blonde hair telling me "Drill is dangerous", and "He's trying to trick you". I wanted you to live."

"Was I in the Maze?"

"I don't know. I think you were-or are-Immune and will turn into a Creepy Crawly Death Dealer."

"It's most likely not true. It was just a dream."

"But...I don't wanna lose you."

"Oh...Emerson. Neither do I. I promise you, I won't turn into one of those monsters. Go back to sleep, alright?"



Thomas was yelling at everyone to wake up. Over the sound of his voice, there was a distinct rumbling sound. Becca stands up, looking at where Thomas was pointing. Lights.

"I see something. It's lights. We made it."

The first crash of thunder hit. They were so close, yet so far. And they were running out of time. The lighting strikes got closer to the group.

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on. Come on, let's go!" Thomas shouts. Everyone picks up their bags and begins to run in the direction of the lights.

"Let's go! Hurry!"



"Keep moving!"

The lightning crept closer.

"Come on! Let's go!"

"Come on, Teresa!"

"Go, go, go!"

"We're getting closer! Keep going!"

"Get inside!"

"Go! Oh, shi-... Minho!"

He was sent flying at the impact. Becca turns around, not caring if she got struck by lighting herself. She needed to help Minho.

"Come help him!" Becca exclaims.

"Come on, get him up!" Newt shouts to the boys, slinging one arm around Minho's shoulders. Aris holding Minho's other arm. Frypan and Teresa were holding the door open. Becca was keeping watch of the lightning.

"Go! Move! Come on! Hurry up!" Frypan yells. Soon enough, they were inside.

"Put him down." Thomas instructs.

"Watch his head." Aris adds.

"Who's got a light? Minho!" Thomas shakes his friend.

"Come on, come on."

"Minho? Minho? Come on, Minho." Everyone pleas.

"Come on, man."

The group pauses for a moment when they hear a small groan of pain coming from Minho. He lived.

"There he is."

"Hey, are you okay?" Thomas asks him.

"What happened?" Minho asks.

"I think you got struck by lightning." Thomas says, sarcasm in his voice.


"Come on, let's get him up."

"Nice and slow. Okay."

"Let's get him up."

"Think you can get up?"

"Yeah...?" The group hoists him up. Oh, my God. Thanks, guys."

Now standing, Teresa and Becca were searching the old building.

"Hey. What's that smell?"

"It smells like klunk!" Emerson exclaims.

"Behind you!" Teresa shrills. Another creatures screeches and snarls from behind Thomas.

"Oh, shit!" He shouts.

"Oh, my God."

"I see you've met our guard dogs." An unrecognizable voice-presumably feminine-speaks up from somewhere, making their way towards the group.

"Who's that?" Emerson asks quietly, not expecting an answer.

"Stay back! Stay back!" Thomas warns the figure. The group stares at her not knowing who this girl is and what she wants from them.

"You guys look like shit." She smirks. "C'mon, follow me." She retreats back to where she came from. "Unless you want to stay here with them. Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you."

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas asks.

"You'll see." The girl simply responds.

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