[5] [Ter]esa

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During the Gathering, there was no silence.

"If you wanna throw a newbie parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there's one thing I know about the Maze..." The Gathering hall seems to shake a little, causing a few of the Gladers to look around in confusion. "is that you do not..." Gally trailes off as he becomes puzzled.

An alarm sets off. Not just any alarm, the Greenie Alarm. Everyone rushes out of the Gathering hall and over to the Box. Gally opens the Box and Newt jumps down to investigate.

"It's a girl." Newt says, looking confused. "I think she's dead."
Emmy peers over the edge by Thomas to get a look at the next girl.

(A/n: Just take out the 'Ter' out of 'Teresa' and that's how you pronounce it)

"Esa?" Emmy asks, tilting her head. "Please wake up."

"What's in her hand?" Gally calls down.

"She's the last one...ever. What the hell does that mean?"

Out of nowhere, the girl jolts up gasping for air, causing everyone to jump back, while Emmy stands up in shock.

"Thomas..." She says before she goes unconscious again. Thomas takes a big step back, away form Emmy, not wanting to know the consequences for call her Emerson. A few Gladers chuckle at his movement.

"Esa!" She exclaims. "No! Please wake up again!"

"Esa?" Newt questions, looking at his sister confused.

"Her name is Esa." She explains.

"Well ain't that nice." He mumbles.


Most of the Gladers under the Lookout Tree, calling up to the girl, trying to get her to come down.

"Emmy, stay behind me." Newt instructs. She does as he says because she would rather have her brother get hurt instead of her.

"Leave me alone!" The girl yells, throwing more stuff from above.


"Watch your head!"

"Hey! Throw on more of those things-!" Gally shouts as a projectile hits his head.

"Go away!"

"We come in peace!"

"We're not going to hurt you!"

"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt says, ducking under a wooden panel, his sister following right behind.

"You think?" Emmy asks, laughing.

"What do you want from me?!"

"We just wanna talk!" Thomas responds.

"I'm warning you!"

"Take cover y'all! Take cover!" Frypan yells.

"Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!"

The falling objects suddenly stop. The girl slowly peeks her head from the top of the lookout.

"I-uh, I'm gunna come up, okay?"

The girl disappears, but no more objects were being thrown down. Thomas slowly by surely ascends the staircase. After a few minutes of silence, Gally became impatient.

"What going on up there?"

Thomas' head looks over the edge.

"Is she coming down?" Newt asks, hands on his hips, looking up.

"Listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?" Thomas calls down.

"All right." Newt pats Gally's shoulder as he walks away, the others walking away as well.

"Is this what all girls are like?" Fry asks.

"Every girl except Emmy." Newt replies.

𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, maze runnerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora