[14] Crank Race

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"Oh, shit!" Newt exclaim, before strapping on his back pack and grabbing Emerson's arm, keeping her close.

"Run! Go!" Thomas shouts. Behind them, they were being followed by people; but, they didn't look like people. They were yelling strangely and their limbs were poorly attached.

"Go! Get outta here!"

"Come on! Let's go, go, go! Let's go!" Thomas shouts, the creatures not too far behind.

Frypan slows down a little to throw a pack to Thomas and so he wouldn't split from the group again.

"Thomas, Minho, what the hell are those things?" Winston asks.

The Gladers reach a pair of broken escalators, sprinting up the stairs to try and escape the creatures.

"I don't know. Just keep going!"

"Move! Move!"

"Where do we go?"

"Come on, keep moving!"

"Aris, no!"

The monster lunges at them, Aris slams his foot into its ankles, buying them some time to escape.

"Where the hell are we gonna go?"

"We gotta find a way out of here!"

"Go! Faster, faster!"

One of the creatures slams through a glass wall of an abandoned store-knocking over Newt just after he pushes his sister forward so he doesn't get hurt by the creature.

"Newt!" Emerson yells, quickly looking back for a split second.

"Guys, help!"

Thomas rushes back to help up Newt.

"Newt, ya good?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah. Thanks, Tommy." Newt responds.

"Come on, Newt!"

They shove one another into the open doorway-a narrow brick passageway. A tight fit as they race through it. Minho motions the group to the right.

"Through here!" Minho screams. "Through here! Let's go!"

"Guys, where are we going?" Newt questions, briefly looking back.

"Okay, run! Go! Go!" Teresa shouts.

"Just keep going!"

"Come on, they're coming!"

"Get us out of here, Thomas!" Teresa shrills. They came across a set of double doors. They were chained on the inside. Thomas tries to open the doors by shoving himself into them.

"This one!" Thomas exclaims.

"I'll hold them back!" Winston states. He begins to shoot the creatures, holding them back. "Get that door open!"

Frypan yells at them to move, then rams against the door.

"Oh, wow. Didn't know it did that." Emerson mumbles to herself.

Thoams rushes to Winston, pulling him with the group.

"Move! Come on, Frypan! Let's go! Come on! It's open!"

"Everyone through! Come on! Come on! Winston!" Thomas calls out to him.

"Help me! Help! Please! Please! Oh, my God!"

In the process of dragging Winston back, Minho attempting to shove the door closer in order to prevent then from getting into the past door. From the other side, the creatures dig their nails into Winston's hip, drawing blood. They move him away, but he is still clearly in pain. Minho and Thomas are pushing the door back into place.

"Go, go, go!" Thomas shouts.

They get him to his feet, Frypan helping him up. Becca helps, Winston throwing his arms around both their shoulders as they drag him away from the door. The Cranks follow, lumbering behind Minho, Winston and Thomas.

The group makes it out of the area into what an underground carpark. The group hides behind a small den in the wreckage of the building. All they could do was wait for morning.

"I think I just found my new Creepy Crawly Death Dealer." Emerson says to herself, letting out a tired breath, trying hard not to relive the events. A few Gladers chuckle at her statement.

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