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"You never come over to chill with us anymore.", Zion whined. "And you know the reason why. Stop acting like you don't.", I chuckle. "He's not even here ! He's out doing something with Tiffany.", Zion said.

"You don't even gotta hang with the rest of em. Just come hang with your big cousin.", he said. "You're older by a month.", I laugh. "I'm still older which makes me the big cousin/brother.", he said. I could feel him smirking.

"Fine, I'll come over. To hang out with you, Austin, Nick and Brandon.", I say. "And bring Tracey.", he told me. "Ain't she already over there ?", I ask him. "Oh yea, you right. Just hurry up.", he said. I hang up and get dressed to head over to their house. I don't want to but I guess I'll go.

I get there and it's so quiet at first. Nobody answered the door so I just walked in. "Hello ?", I say. "Nia ? Is that you ?", I hear Austin ask me. "Umm....yeah ?", I say. "ATTACK !", I hear Nick yell. They all came downstairs after me and I didn't know what to do so I just ran. I was too late though.

I felt arms wrap around my body. "I got her !!", Austin yelled. "Austin Dale fucking Porter ! Put me down !", I yell as I try to break away. "No ma'am.", he said. He carried me all the way to Zion's room and they all locked the door behind me.
"Let me outta here !", I growl.

"No. We gotta talk.", Zion said. "Why can't we talk like normal people ?", I say trying to wiggle out of the room but Brandon was blocking it and boy was he strong. "Listen Nia, Edwin broke up with Tiffany.", Tracey told me. "Good for him, now can I go ?", I ask them. "Nia please just listen.", Austin said.

"Why should I ? He chose her. I'm not about to be anyone's side piece.", I say trying to move past Brandon but his strong ass wasn't letting me through. "Nia, he's been a mess since you left. He doesn't eat and I'm pretty sure he hasn't bathed in a week.", Brandon said. "He loves you."

"What do y'all want me to do ?! Just forgive him ?", I ask them. "YES !", they all said in unison. "Just talk to him Nia.", Austin said. I thought about it. After all that's happened, I still love Edwin. "Fine. I'll talk to him."

They all cheered. Brandon let me out the door and they all followed me to Edwins room. "When I go in here, do not ease drop on us.", I whisper to them. I knock on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. "Bitch go in !", Tracey whispered to me. I do actually that.

I open the door and walk in. "Hey.", I say. Edwin got up from his bed. Brandon was right. He was a mess and he smelled like shit. He was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry Nia.", he said before falling to his knees and bawling his eyes out. I walk up to him and hug him tight. "Oh honey, it's ok."

"No it's not ok. I fucking love you and I just ruined everything.", he cried. "Look at me.", I tell him as I lift his face up at me. "I forgive you, Edwin. I love you too.", I tell him as I kiss his forehead. "Now take a bath because you smell like Kobe's asshole.", I laugh. She smiles and then gets up some clothes and goes to the shower.

I walk out the room to see Nick, Zion, Tracey, Brandon, and Austin standing right outside the door. "So, how'd it go ?", Tracey asked me. "Good. I forgave him.", I say. They all cheered and hugged me. "So are you gonna be together forever ?", Nick asked me. "Maybe.", I say as I blush.

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