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"You can't tell nobody until we get you to a doctor.", Tracey told me. "How the fuck could I let this happen !?", I cry. "You weren't paying attention to Josh I guess.", she chuckled. "That's not funny Tracey !", I yell. "Can we at least tell Zion ?"

"Hell no ! He'll tell everybody.", I say. "What about Austin ?", Tracey asked. "It'll be too noticeable if he was hiding a secret.", I say. "Well, lets just take a pregnancy test.", Tracey suggested. "You bought one ?", I ask her. "I bought two on my way here.", Tracey smiled.

"Ok good.", I say as I snatch them from her. I go into the bathroom and pee on the pregnancy test like I'm suppose to. I waited for the results. The test didn't much help. One said I was pregnant and another said I wasn't. "I need to go to the doctor.", I tell Tracey as I show her the pregnancy test.


Nia, you never called once y'all got back

You promised to tell me what happened

I honestly forgot. It was so much Ed I swear.

Can I come over tomorrow and we talk about it ?

I'm gonna be busy tomorrow and maybe the day after but I'll let you know.



"So, where are you ?", Edwin asked me. "I'm just running some errands for Zion.", I tell him as I drive to the doctors office. "What does he want you to get ?", Edwin asked. "Just some snacks. I won't be long I promise. I love you, ok ?", I tell him. "Ok, I love you too.", Edwin spoke. We hung up.

I get to the doctors office and immediately check in. The procedure was quick and easy. The doctor asked me some questions and placed gel on my belly and did an ultrasound on me. "Well, Ms. Kuwonu, you are not pregnant.", the doctor says.

"Thank god.", I say. "Just be a little more careful next time, ok ?", he said. "Yes sir, I will.", I say. I leave the doctors off but I don't forget to go by the store to buy me and Zion some snacks to cover up the fact that I had a doctors appointment today.

I get to the boy's house and I grab the bags and go inside. "Zion ! I got you some goodies !", I yell across the room. I head into the living and see everyone sitting around on the couch. Edwin stood up quickly when he seen me. "You're pregnant !?", he yelled. I look at Tracey who was trying to ease on out. "I'm gonna kill you !"

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