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The sign that read 'Welcome to Chicago' didn't interest the young woman that wasn't interested in the sights of the city that were in Illinois. She wasn't there to fucking sight-see. She was there to get some fucking work done and get her business up and running was her plan so she could survqive in the world. The woman checked her time and she grunted as she noticed that it was very early morning as it was only 12:11 in the fucking morning. Damn, it's so early. I wonder if there is a party down the street. She thought as she drunk from her cup that she had received from a shitty restaurant that, at least, made good drinks. Her dark blue pants and black shirt and shoes made her very intimidating, but she was a very a scary woman to be around. The woman was only known as a nickname that showed that she was a mystery. That nickname was Ghost. 

Ghost was only twenty-four years old and yet, she had enough money to buy her own barbershop. Because Ghost knew that it was too early to do anything, she decided to take a rest and continue when the sun was out and so, she had stopped her car and she slept in her car until 8:oo. When Ghost had noticed the time, she finally let a small smile spread across her usually cold face. She then drops the smile, hoping and praying no one noticed the small smile that had broken through her cold facade. 

She wasn't in Chicago, hoping to fool around. She was in the city hoping to make a living. 

When Ghost arrived at her shop, she noticed how badly the shop needed fixing up. The shop was old and yet, with a little love, it could be something new again, but no one cared for the poor, old building. The steel was rusted and the door creaked as Ghost took a look inside the shop. The shop was empty, but she knew that she had the materials she needed for a barbershop. She frowned at the dump because she had left a dump back where she had came from and she entered into another shitty dump. Ghost released a sigh as she tangled her hand into her dark brown hair. Her brown eyes only showed hardness and a certain feeling of determination as she was going to get this shop up and running by today.

Ghost started to clean up the shop and because she was alone, it took her at least three hours to get the place cleaned up and looking like it belonged in the streets and not just abandoned. It took her another hour to get the shop set up. She had the chairs set up. She had white fold-up chairs as waiting chairs. She had a gum machine. She had a flat screen television along with an radio. She had her bag of razors ready for her first customer. Because she knew that she would be getting her crew in a little while, Ghost went outside through the back so she could smoke. As she lit up her cigarette, she heard two guys beefing it out. She huffed as she puffed out smoke as she smoked. Immature people. She thought as she heard grunts of pain and anger.

"Hello, Miss," a voice spoke out to Ghost. Ghost was about to placed her hand on her gun when she saw a young, white male speaking to her. Because she knew that he could be just a friendly guy, she removed her hand from her pocket. "I didn't mean to scare you. I was trying to find a college named Rush University," he continued his talk with Ghost. Ghost frowned at the lost young man. His innocence is so obvious. She thought, wanting to keep him safe as he was speaking to a stranger that could possibly kill him, but she wouldn't dare seeing as he was very polite. She walked up to the young man.

"Kid, what are you doing?" She asked him with a cool tone as she didn't want to get attach to anyone in Chicago as she was going to just leave everyone she met anyway. Despite the cool tone she had spoken with, the young male could tell that the young woman he was talking to was very nice. She just didn't want to let anyone into her heart. The young male with black hair and bright green eyes smiled at the young woman and she couldn't help but to give him a small smile back. "It's not safe for you to be alone," she started to scold him. The young man released a small chuckle as he tangled his hand in his hair as if he knew that the woman was going to scold him. 

"I know that, but I was looking for directions and I saw you," the young man reveals to Ghost. Ghost sighed as she was glad that the young man went to her and instead of someone else.

"I'm glad you spoke to me because if it was anyone else, you would have been shot, little one," Ghost tells the young man, who was starting to look embarrassed.

"Is it because I'm white?" He asked innocently. Ghost frowned.

"Honey, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, but it's because you are in the slums of Chicago. People will kill you just to kill you," Ghost explained to the young man. He frowned at her scary, but truthful answer. "I'm sorry, honey, but that's the way the world is," Ghost tells him. "By the way, what's your name?" She asked him gently.

"My name is Alex. Alex Williams," he responded to Ghost's question as she just stared at him. He seems nice enough. She thought.

"You can call me Ghost and as for your directions to Rush University, I can take you there," she. offered him. Alex was shocked by her offer and his face made Ghost giggle at him. "Don't look like that Alex. Look alive," she teased him, making him close his mouth so he wouldn't look like a fish.

"What about your business?" He asked, making Ghost smile at him.

"It'll be alright without me. I have my crew coming in soon," Ghost tells Alex to ease him of his worries. After she had said that, one of her crew had opened the back door, making Ghost look at him.

"Morning," Ghost spoke with a cool tone as she turned from Alex at the minute, making Alex bite his lower lip.

"Hey, boss lady, are you heading out?" The man asked. He was African-American with a black afro and dark brown eyes. He was about 5'8 in height and his height only made Ghost smirk at him. Alex himself was 5'4, leaving Ghost taller than him ad she was 5'6.

"Yes, I am heading out. Don't destroy the place. I spent my morning cleaning up the entire damn thing," Ghost warned with a slight growl. The man got her warning and he walked back into the shop.

"Shouldn't you be inside with them?" Alex asked Ghost, making her return her gaze to his face, making his cheeks heat up. Alex could feel himself turning red and he hated that the beautiful woman could see his face turning red. Ghost was amused at his face being red. He can't like me already. She thought as she grabbed him by the hand to walk him to her car.

When they arrived at her car, Alex wanted to be a gentleman and so he opened up the driver's seat for Ghost. Ghost enjoyed Alex being a gentleman and she thanked him as she touched his chin with her rough fingers, yet she made sure that her hold on him was gentle. Alex had a goofy grin on his face and he entered the front passenger seat so he could sit closer to Ghost.

Ghost started to drive and Alex loved the wind whipping his face as he enjoyed the ride. Ghost changed her face as she didn't want to be caught enjoying the innocent young man enjoying the wind as she drove him around.

When Ghost found the entrance for Rush University, Alex started to get nervous. "What if they don't accept me?" Alex started to question her. Ghost rolled her eyes, but she gave Alex the courage to talk to the people at the school.

"You won't leave me here?" Alex asked. Ghost was surprised at the question. Did he really think that I was just going to up and leave him in a place he doesn't even know about yet? She wondered.

"No, I care about you, Alex," Ghost spoke up as Alex grinned at her. He exited the car and he entered the college. Ghost stayed where she was promising to not leave Alex at Rush University.

After a few minutes, Alex was coming out of the college, wearing a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes made Ghost smile softly. "I got in," those three simple words made Ghost grin at Alex.

"Congratulations," she was honest as she knew how hard is was to get into college. She noticed how happy Alex was and his happiness radiated on her, making her get into a good mood. Ghost enjoyed being around Alex as he made her feel some type of happiness. Ghost couldn't explain it Alex was the very first person she met that wasn't rude to her. Well, well, look at that, people can be nice for a change. She thought.

Queen of the Barbershop // BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now