Slytherin Pt 2 🥴

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5th year

Ronalds P.O.V.

Ronald was sitting in D.A.D.A. class taking notes when all of the sudden he felt a tap on his shoulder. 

"Hey could you tell me the notes from a minute ago? Professor Snape was talking a bit too fast..." The boy(Lewis) said. Ronald rolled his eyes but sloppily slid the parchment over to the Hufflepuff.

"Thank you~" Lewis said smiling at Ronald. Although Ronald was just focused on the lesson. After a while his parchment was slid back to him. As he was about to write more notes he saw that the piece of parchment had a little note saying 'thank you so much xxx'. Ronald was confused but let the little note slide since it wasn't a piece he had to turn in.

After class Ronald was about too leave when he was stopped by Lewis. "Hey um thank you for the notes by the way!" He said smiling. "Listen the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were having a party tomorrow..I was maybe wondering you wanted to stop by? Just think about it!" He said as he skipped off

Ronald had never been more confused. He was flustered and mad and then an arm snaked around his shoulder. The Ravenclaw boy Aristotle looked at his friend and raised an eyebrow. "Who's got you so flustered???" he said as they walked to the great hall for lunch.

{Sorry for this being so short! Wattpad was trying to kill me D:::: Ok anyways I'm gonna go cry now...Peace my lil Gryffs, Slyths, Huffs, And Claws}

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