Slytherin Pt 3 🥺

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6th year

Hugo P.O.V.

I was chatting with Callem, since they we had been friends for a while now and she just ranted on and on about a book. Even though she was talking about a boring book, I listened to absolutely everything that spewed out of her mouth...I wasn't sure why though. She seemed like she was about to start talking about another thing but I slowly lent in and put my lips on hers. I didn't know why but it just happened. At first she just stayed still but then she began moving against my lips. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me as she put her hand in my hair. 

After a while we pulled away and I just looked down to the floor a little embarrassed. "S-so....D-do y-you like me?" She said blushing like crazy as I looked up at her.

"Y-yeah I d-do! A l-lot...." I said nervously

All of the sudden the Slytherin common room door swung open and a very flushed Ronald came in. He looked at me and stared at us for a minute. "H-hey um Hugo can we talk???" He said a bit quickly. "Sure!" Is aid getting up and walking out of the common room with Hugo.

"Whats up?" I said confused

"Look I know we don't really talk a lot but I need help. Lewis kissed me..."

My eyes widened as I heard that information but then I smirked "Did you enjoy it?"

"W-WHAT I-i I D-dont-" He started but I immediately cut him off "So you did like it" I said happy to know that Ronald was happy for once. 

"M-maybe! But either way...What do I do now?" Ronald said

I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked through the hall talking about what he was going to do in order to solve his whole 'friends with benefits' situation with Lewis. Even though I had my own things to sort out with Callem.

(Ok Ronald and Lewis are like my OTP and I can't even D:)

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