Hufflepuff Pt 3 🌂

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I fell over in the hall today and all the VSCO girls circled me and just screeched 'SKSKSK' at me as I scrambled away, horrified of what I just witnessed lmao. Ok. Have fun reading. Pray for me, so I don't have to encounter the Vsco's once more. 😂

Lewis' P.O.V.

2nd year

Lewis sat quietly in the school garden, near the herbology classroom. He sighed slumping against a tree, his thoughts overcoming him as he rushed to try and collect himself. All of the sudden he felt a slump next to him and he looked to his side to see his friend Emily. She smiled and he gave him a weak nod. She rose and eyebrow and before he could even interject her question she spoke. "Whats wrong?"

He sighed looking up and wondering if he should tell her what was on his mind or not. He decided to go for it, since he really needed to tell someone, anyone at all. "Can I tell you something. Something you can't tell anyone else?" He said raising his view at the girl next to him

Emily chuckled but nodded. They were best friends! How could she not keep his secret!

Lewis breathed out but began "Emily...I think...I may like boys.."

Emily giggled "Well of course you do! You're a boy! SO it's fine if your friends wi-" She paused realizing what Lewis said and her face went into total realization. "Oh! Like that..." She paused before wrapping Lewis in her arms happily. "Well it doesn't matter to me! As long as you're happy, and whoever you're with makes you happy!" 

Lewis smiled into her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her, reciprocating the hug. "Thank you for being so calm and understanding!" He spoke into her side and she smiled. "Of course Lewis! Why wouldn't I be? We've been friends for a year now, and I'll be by your side no matter what! Even if you end up with a Slytherin!" They both laughed at that. "No way! Never!" Lewis said. 

Apparently in the future he would be taking that statement back, because oh boy, did he have his eye on a certain Slytherin boy. 

Oooooo tea was spilt in this Chappy. Well I hope you all stay safe and have a great day! Remember to be nice to each other and share positivity to all! <3

~Your Gryffindor/Slytherin friend :)

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