Ravenclaw Pt 3 🐳

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Kiddos! We're coming to an end, pretty soon, for this story *Le Gasp*. I don't want to make this lil not long, but I just want to say I love you allll. Enjoy :)

5th year

Frasers P.O.V.

Fraser looked around feeling lonely fo the first time in a while. He looked around and it seemed like all of his friends were in the age of 'romance'. How he hated that word. He knew the reason why he hated it so much. He felt bad for this being the reason though. The reason he hated that everyone was being all lovey~dovey recently, was because he had no one to be lovey~dovey with himself... It's not like he wanted all his friends who were in love, or crushing, to stop feeling that, he just didn't want to be the only one who didn't have anyone to feel like that towards. 

Either way he didn't want to put too much thought into it at the moment. He sat outside admiring the wind and how it flowed with such ease. All of the sudden he felt a presence next to him, and startled he turned to see who was next to him. "Hiya. What're you looking at?" Emily, his friend, spoke softly.

 "Oh..Just the wind, I was I guess, enjoying the quiet." He shrugged. When he said this he gave Emily the wrong idea and her facial expression changed from cheery, to guilty. "O-oh! Do you want me to leave? I didn't mean to-" She was cut off on her sentence as Fraser grabbed her softly and engulfed her into a hug. "Shh. Just sit with me ok?" He mumbled into the top of her head. Emily blushed a bit but nodded and melted into the hug. "Ok."

 Her smile immediately returned

Love you guys ;) 

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