Thank You

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First of all, thank you so much for supporting Throne

This book's ending was honestly one of the hardest I had to write, I had mad plot twists and HobiAwae helped me so much I wouldn't've done this without her

I improved my writing a little thanks to this book, I learnt new things especially descriptive writing cuz I suck at it

Every vote and comment mean so much to me

Thank you again


It ain't over yet


*crickets in the distance*

As you can see, I have bad humour, but that won't stop me from making bonuses for Throne!

Throne: Behind The Scenes will be published soon

I will post the bts (get it? ;)) of some scenes in the book, and the actors' bloopers, and I'm doing this to lighten up the mood a little because I know this book has been depressing from beginning to end, so this is to make it a little light hearted I'm sorry lol

They'll be mostly funny, but as you know, my sarcasm is as dry as my lips (and they're really dry I wouldn't live without vaseline) so I can't promise good content but if you don't laugh I'll personally hide under your bed and choke you in your sleep I know your locations I'm not even joking

I'm seriously not joking

So don't remove me from your library just yet D:

I don't know when the behind the scenes will be up but hopefully soon!

Thank you, and have a nice day uwu i love you

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