I'M Scared

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chilli: Do you really want kids? and be honest I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you or anything. I want u to be happy. I just don't want to rush u if u ain't ready and make u feel like u may regret it later.

Lisa: Hold up. Look at me

Chilli:(look at her)

Lisa:first of all For one. I don't regret anything. if I do regret something it not you. I don't regret loving u I don't regret making love to u or even being with you. I enjoy ever minute of ever second of ever week of ever day with you. And to honestly answer your question right now not really but I know one day I will with u. And when u do I'll take my chance with u.

Chilli: how so?

Lisa: there's something about you

Chilli: Hows that?

Lisa: Im gettin a vibe from you

chilli: oh Really What kind of vibe?

Lisa: That your the motherly type and that your gonna be the best Mom In the whole wide world.

Chilli: yeah. (Playing with my fingers)

Lisa:Hey can I ask u something?

Chilli: yeah

Lisa:(pull her on top of me face to face as our eyes locked) baby, Are you pregnant?

chilli: No. (signs) I'm not.

Lisa:Then what is it?

Chilli: (looks down)

Lisa: is it me? (Feeling hurt) are u breaking up with me? Because what ever it is is we can work this out. (Looking hurt)

Chilli:No, no, baby.(grabs her hand) I'm not breaking up with u. I don't want to break up. I love you too much.

Lisa: (signs in relief) thank god. Well if u not breaking up with me, then what wrong?

chilli:I'm (turn away)

Lisa:(Turn her head back towards Me) what is it baby?
(Caressing her cheek)

chilli:(Tears welling up)

Lisa: please don't cry no matter what it is I got u. (Kiss her hand) and that a promise.

Chilli: (fight back tears but couldn't tears run down my face)

Lisa: baby, please don't cry. I love you (hugs her)

Chilli: I love u too Lisa, I'M just scared. (voice cracked)

Lisa: shhh,(pulls away)!scared about what? (Wipe her tears)

Chilli:(break down into her chest while Hugging her really tightly)

Lisa: hey. Baby, this wouldn't happen to be something about u being afraid of me getting u pregnant and u accidentally becoming pregnant thinking I wouldn't want you or the baby is it?

Chilli: (Nods my head in her chest) yes

Lisa:baby, listen I know u are afraid. I Also know we been having sex without using a condom a lot lately I knew the risk and so do u if this does happen it is what it is.

chilli: I just don't want to lose u.(Get off Her then fall to my needs crying) if I lose u I don't know what I would do.

Lisa:(Get OFF the bed walking over to her) baby please get up.

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