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Chilli: I couldn't believe it, this fool Got a gun pointed to my baby head....

Aaliyah: this is not looking good at all

Pac:man as soon as we turn that corner & saw my home girl being held at gun point & Tionne begging this nigga not to pull the trigger, at this point my blood was boiling at this point....

Aaliyah: man what do we now (wispier shout)

Chilli: I'll tell u what I'm gonna do

Aaliyah: & what is ?

Pac: yeah

Chilli: im gonna nail this motherfucker & save my girl. Y'all gonna try and get Tionne out of here...

Pac: but chilli

Chilli: but Nothing Pac Lisa is all I got I can't loose Her she was the one who took me in when I had no were else to go I gotta save her.

Pac: (sights) Ok but don't do anything stupid

Chilli: I can't promise u that when it comes to Lisa I'll do anything for her.

Mack10: so any last words?

Lisa: tell my queen I will always love her

Chilli:without hesitation I walked up to him and point the gun to his head. Drop that gun or your brain gonna be all over this damn floor

Mack10: well well look what we got here


Chilli: yeah it me

Lisa: baby don't worry about me save yourself & Tionne

Chilli: no! I'm not leaving you

Lisa: Chilli

Chilli: no Lisa, no matter what you say I'm not leaving without u I don't give a damn as long as u are alive I'll give my life for u don't try and talk me out of this.

Lisa: I couldn't believe what I'm hearing when she said that I took it straight to the heart I mean I was the one who would of given my own life for her but the fact that she wanna do that for me

Hits me real deep.

Mack10: aww is that sweet, but too bad

Tionne: Mack why are you doing this?!

Mack10: that for me to know and u will never find out (getting ready to pull the trigger)

Chilli: I swear to god if you pull that trigger, I'll make sure u suffered

Mack10: ha! Bitch please u never pull a trigger a day before in your life

Chilli: u don't know that

Lisa: (single Tionne that pac Aaliyah are in the room)

Tionne: (see pac & Aaliyah then looked back at Lisa)

Lisa:(mouth) follow them

Tionne:(mouth) but what about you?

Lisa:(mouth) don't worry, I got this,I got a plan

Tionne: (nods my head) ok

Mack10: Lisa say goodbye to your girlfriend

Lisa: I'm sorry Chilli I love you so much, I never wanted this to happen, I wanted to settle down and commit to u, I wanted to make u my wife so bad u just don't even know, when we kiss it's more of a magical powers, it in described untouchable feeling & when we make love it's like heaven, every time we get into it. When you was carrying my first child I couldn't begin to explain the most beautiful thing ever to have u as my baby mama.

Chilli:(tears up) baby don't do that, no! don't talk like that, don't talk like it your last being with me.

Lisa: but baby

Chilli: no! we are gonna do these things together

Mack10: yeah, yeah,enough of that mushy shit it time to die

Lisa: hey!

Mack10: what?!

Lisa:I got one thing to say!

Mack10: (take the safety off) and that is?

Lisa: I hope u burn in hell!!! Nigga!!!!

Mack10: that it!

Chilli: nooooo!!!!




Holy shit, now I know you all got something to say about this shit just went down.

know Who u think shot first?

who lives?

who dies?

Did Lisa get shot ?

Or did Mack get shot ?

Or did they both got shot?




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