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Last time on Hot temper...

Doctor: miss Lopes? I'm sorry to inform u but........


Doctor: I'M sorry to inform u buy your babe die from suffering a hard hit to the stomach and miss Rozonda is in a coma, If she doesn't Wake up by tomorrow we are pulling the plug I'M sorry their Nothing we can do but hope for a miracle.

T-Boz: what room she in?

Doctor:She in room 209.(Walk away)

Lisa:(walk over to the wall then pouch it)

Tionne:(hold her)

Lisa: no! Man!(trying to get out her hold) Let me! go!

Tionne:(turn her around then hug)

Lisa:oh GOD why!(break down) why me why it gotta Be her,(sliding down the wall) I had to lose my child because of that ass hole! I can't lose chilli man! Not like this,

(Crying) not like this.

2pac&Aaliyah:( join in on the huge)

Lisa:(crying) I want to see my baby.

T-boz:(Nods my head) lets go

2pac: We right behind u guys

Aaliyah:(nods head in tears)

Lisa: me & Tionne walk in the room to see RO laying their life less. My baby (crying)

oh god please don't leave me (place head into her Neck) please wake up please! I can't lose u, I need u please baby I can't live without u, ur my other half without u I'M uncomplete I'll feel unhappy I'll feel useless my heart aches to See u like this I feel so much pain right now that I can't take it if I lose u. I will have a heart attack. I Need u to pull through. I love u way too much to lose u now. Please (crying) I'M begging u!

Tionne: chilli hope u can hear me when I say this we love u. I know u can pull through I know u can fight it. I know (Choked) I know u are stronger then this please wake up for us (fight back tears)for Lisa.

2pac:hey lil Soulja i know u hear me i know we hadnt had a chance to hang out all 5 of us together but that will change we all have a bond that cannot be broken but u & Lisa have a very special bond that nobody can touch and that a special love. So please for us & more importantly hang in there for lisa she truly need u.

Aaliyah: (wips away tears) chilli I have faith in you. I know u can pull trought this like Tionne said your stronger then this u will make it, Please pull through for all of us.

4hours later

Lisa: I'm not going home until I know she Ok I'M staying I can't leave her.

T-boz:But Lisa

Lisa:But Nothing Tionne I lose my babe today, I don't want to lose the love of my life. I want to be alone with her.

T-Boz: sight Ok but Let us know if their any changes give us a call we will be back up so will see u tomorrow Ok?

Lisa: Ok (hug her) I will.

T-Boz: (hug back) I love u sis

Lisa: love u to Tionne (pull away)

Aaliyah: hey lisa (hug her really thight)be strong girl.

Lisa:(hug her back) thanks babygirl I'll try.(Pull away)

2pac:(hug her) she will make it. just have faith, miracles have a way of working in mysterious ways.

Lisa:(hug back) u right I just hope this mysterious miracle happen for my baby.
(Pull away)

Everybody: bye Lisa

Lisa: bye y'all. (Goes back to chilli) if u can hear me. I just want to say I love u. I will always love u to the death of me I don't want to let u go because I can't let u go ur my everything my love. My life the air I breath your my angel sent from above & GOD bless me with u. If u can hear me please wake up....(bust out crying while holding her hand) I  kiss her lips then sit there crying my sleep to asleep. God please spare my baby.


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