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Lisa Nicole Lopes/Pov
[Walking through the hallway in thought] damn Ro has been on my mind since we met her in class today...
It would be too soon for me to say she the one after we just done a meeting.
She seems like the kinda girl I been dreaming about damn I want her to be mine but right now [sighs]
but I just don't have the balls to tell her but man it's something about her [smile to myself]
I feel like I just wanna make her laugh, I wanna hold her I wanna take her places
that she has never been before.
I wanna show her what love is especially with me hell I wanna make love to her like no one has never before.
but first in order to do all that I gotta get to know shorty first then the rest will come later naturally.
Hey Lisa,
Lisa Nicole Lopes
[Snapped right out of my thoughts] I snap out of it when I heard my name being called.
Andre Previn Rison
Yo Lisa!! wassup, baby?
Lisa Nicole Lopes
[Turn my head] what in the hell u want?
Andre Previn Rison
I just wanna know if u would like to go out on a date with me?
Lisa Nicole Lopes
How could I put this nicely to ya hell no to the mother fucking naw naw naw now bounce I'm not interested.
Andre Previn Rison
Hey hey hey hold up [grab her arm] just give me a chance.
Lisa Nicole Lopes
[snatched my arm away] I said no now leave the hell alone.
Andre Previn Rison
Why not? I don't understand why u don't wanna give us a chance we can see how this goes
Lisa Nicole Lopes
It's not gonna happen alright get that through your thick head I am not interested in u at all stop bothering me
Go bother someone else while u still have your dignity.
Andre Previn Rison
Whatever man fuck u then [walking away]
Lisa Nicole Lopes
[Walk away] ha! I don't give a damn how mad u get u ain't never gonna get
a girl with that kinda attitude fool.
Tionne Tenese Watkins
Yo what was that all about walking up to Lisa
Lisa Nicole Lopes
This fool wanted a date but told him that I was never interested
the fool acted like he couldn't take no for an answer
Tionne Tenese Watkins
Who was he [watching him walking]
Lisa Nicole Lopes
Andre Rison the school best football player
Tionne Tenese Watkins
What  & u-turn him down
Lisa Nicole Lopes
Hell yeah like I said before I wasn't that interested this think I just gonna fall for him like that
Tionne Tenese Watkins
I know that right shit I forgot to put my books in my I know I not gonna feel like carrying these to lunch with me
Yo Lisa u coming? [walking away]
Lisa Nicole Lopes/Pov
Yea T wait up! [running behind Tionne]
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
I just came from the water fountain when this dude came up to me sweet talking.
Hey, sweet thing what your name?
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
The name is not sweet thing it's Ro, okay.
Damn okay I like feisty [getting closer]
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Whoa back the hell up push him off I don't know u like that to be getting that close to me who are u anyway?
Whoa [throw my hands up in surrender] my bad the name is Dallas baby
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Well Dallas I ain't your sweet thing or your baby so u better get to stepping cuz I ain't got time for games
Plus u look like one of those player types anyway & I ain't got time for that [start walking away]
Dallas L. Austin
But I don't play games so how u give a chance first before u judge I'll show u that I am not a bad guy
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Well alright, then but if u mess around with me it's over.
Dallas L. Austin
Alright Then I promise that I won't disappoint u [kiss her]
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
[Kisses Back] smiling alright then [walking away]
Dallas L. Austin
[Watching that a** until she disappeared around the corner]
Tionne Tenese Watkins
Yo Ro, we headed to the lunch room u coming?
Lisa Nicole Lopes
Hell Yea what kinda question is that of course who hungry.
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Sure thing I am hungry anyway.
Tionne Tenese Watkins
Well, let's go then.....
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
[Eating ever thing on her plate]
[Looking at Ro crazy]
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Are u gonna eat that [pointing to a sweet potato pie]
Tionne Tenese Watkins
Ugh I'm going eat it
Lisa Nicole Lopes
Here u can have mine [smiling really hard]
Rozonda Ocielian Thomas
Thanks [smile back]
Lisa Nicole Lopes
It's no problem

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