Part 82 - Sam of Canada

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As we moved into April I was easing into the pattern of life as an almost-royal. Breakfast with Harry in the morning, sometimes early and hurried, sometimes later and relaxed. His valet would come over and help him dress for the day and then Harry left, usually for the day. I would meet with Eugenie when she was available for what I laughingly called "princess lessons," like I was that girl in all those pink princess books. And then I sewed or went to work with Driz, coming home in time to meet Harry when he returned, to talk over his day and have our time as a couple in the evening.

I was keeping a low profile, as the Queen had requested. So far Harry and I had not been seen in public together and that was fine with me. I was happy to have our time at home alone, without the pressure of the press and the cameras and the rest of the world's judgment on me. That would come soon enough.

"I think I should be taking notes." I said, flopping back on the sofa in absolutely un-princess-like fashion. Eugenie, laughing, sat down next to me.

"There are so many rules!" I groaned. "I have to wear pantyhose—stockings—nude colored, nothing bright. Pale nail polish only. Natural-looking makeup and hair," I ticked them all off on my fingers. "I feel like a show horse. No...being a show horse would be infinitely more fun. It's more like competing in a beauty pageant that never ends. There's no winner. I'll just have to get up every day and do it all again."

"You've already won," Eugenie observed. "You've already married the prince."

Eugenie, true to her nature, had been the first to ferret out our secret. The first day I showed up for princess lessons she took one look at my diamond ring and let out a squeal. Leaning close, she whispered, "Did Harry take my advice? Did you elope?"

I froze, afraid of saying anything, but Eugenie only laughed. "You don't have to say it. I can see it in your face. Don't worry. The secret is safe in this house."

I wouldn't confirm her guess, but I didn't have to. Later she punched Harry in the arm and called him a sly dog. He rolled his eyes and said, "I can't keep anything from you, can I?"

"Not when it was my idea to begin with," Eugenie told him with a grin.

Even now, after Harry's admission, I still wouldn't say the words. "Being with Harry is the only positive thing in all of this," I grumbled to Eugenie, but even as I said it I knew it wasn't true.

"You have to take the bad with the good," Eugenie said, shrugging philosophically. "There's a lot of security that comes with this lifestyle."

"You mean like Signe and Poppy?" I asked, naming the two women in my new security detail.

Eugenie smiled and shook her head. "No. I and Harry are never going to be out on the street or wondering how to pay the bills. No matter what happens, he's always going to be the son of the heir to the throne. And the family does protect their own."

"But I'm not really part of the family, am I?" I asked. "I'm an outsider, even if I marry in. I'm an unknown quantity. Like Catherine. Like Diana. Like your mother. Some of those fairytale romances didn't end well."

Eugenie nodded. "I know what you're saying. There are a lot of rules and traditions that you're expected to learn and to follow. I think the key to fitting in with the family is figuring out which of those rules you need to follow absolutely, and which ones you can bend a little. And in the beginning, you need to follow the protocol absolutely. Show the Queen that you understand this new role you're in and that you're not someone she's going to have to worry about. Let's face it: you're not a royal princess. You're not going to get away with some of the wild and crazy things that Princess Margaret did back in the day. And whatever you do, don't outshine Harry or Uncle Charles or Granny. That was Diana's big mistake. Whatever you do, do it quietly."

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