>must have been the wind

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Natsu sighed as he flopped restlesly onto his bed sheets, already clad in his pajamas and all set to fall into a deep sleep. He'd had a long day at work and was finally home and welcoming the beckoning of night.

A slight booming of music echoed in through outside air of his slightly ajar open window. The window that somehow he always forgot to close before getting into bed.

Natsu sighed as he crawled out of bed and tiptoed to his window to close it. He was sensitive to sound, especially when trying to sleep and living next to a park didnt help - stupid teenagers blasting their music through the night - he huffed.

It was a satisfying feeling as he shut the window and the sound dulled to nothing. He liked the sound of nothing, he thought as he shuffled over back toward his bed.

The cool breeze was no longer wafting through his apartment and the faint smell of the food he had burnt earlier still lingered in the air. Yeah, he may live alone and be hopeless at cooking but at least he actually liked burnt food - though his friends from work definitley didn't approve.

It was only minutes later, after Natsu closed his eyes, that they quickly shot back open again. The loud sound of glass shattering on the floor of the apartment above his shocked him and he sat up straight in bed with wide eyes. What was that!?

Remaining still he listened carefully, wondering in the back of his mind if he had just imagined it - but then he heard the faint sound of someone sobbing and his heart clenched. It sounded like a girl...

Natsu ruffled his pink spikes and squinted as he turned on his harsh bedroom light. There was no way he could go back to sleep now, he had to see what was going on and find out if she was okay. Whoever she was.

Natsu threw on a hoodie from his closet and glanced in his mirror to check he looked acceptable before quickly grabbing his keys and opening his apartment door. The heartbreaking sound of muffled sobbing faded as he closed the door behind him and took the elevator to the second floor.

He hadn't even checked the time when he got in earlier, but he guessed it was around midnight, so trailed carefully along the carpeted corridors as to be quiet.

He arrived at the door he assumed was hers - the apartment directly above his. He hadn't really met many people who lived in his building, so he had no idea who actually lived here.

His attempts at a quiet knock on the door failed as his drumming echoed loudly down the hallways, as bad as he felt for waking anyone else up - he was more focused on his worry for whoever was behind this door.

Natsu waited patiently at the door, his heart thumping in his chest just at the thought of talking to a stranger. It wasnt like him to be so outgoing - especially when he very much so wanted to be in bed asleep - but he knew he couldn't settle knowing there was someone upset that he could perhaps help with.

A sigh escaped his lips as he was about to turn around and head back down to his own apartment - he wasnt sure how long to wait and so far he'd heard no indication of anyone going to open the door. But right before he turned around he stopped as the door ahead of him slowly opened and a head sheepishly poked around the side.

"Uh, h-hi!" He quickly greeted, with a wave of his hand. He would've stopped to realise how random it was for him to knock on a young girl's door at midnight - but he was frozen in place, a little shocked by how extremely pretty the girl was.

He quickly studied the girl in front of him; her blonde hair was tied up messily and almost looked like she had just got out of bed, her nose was red and her eyes a little swollen and wet - but somehow it only made her look cuter.

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