Chapter 6

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"Kendra!" I gave her a big hug like I hadn't seen her in years. She returned the favor with the same amount of affection. Saturn's body tensed when Kendra continued the hugging circle to her. Her surprise didn't last long before she gladly returned the gesture. The two of them were going to get along just fine.

We immediately struck up a conversation as we entered a unique restaurant called Sunshine Cafe. Although it was a Saturday morning, the place was relatively quiet and not too crowded. The setup included a cute vase of flowers on each wooden table. Daily brunch items and inspirational quotes were written in colorful chalk on two large chalkboards hung on the wall. It seemed like a place teachers wouldn't mind grading papers or an author's favorite writing spot.

Saturn took the honors of claiming our table by the window. The feeling of the morning sun on my skin felt like bliss. It didn't take long for a waiter to come by and give us menus and ask for what we wanted to drink.

After our waiter left, Kendra dug in deep to Saturn's background, letting no topic go untouched. I watched in silence as I sipped my water. Fear brewed at the thought that Saturn would become defensive and break the group bond we had made so far. However, Saturn was just as talkative about her past as Kendra was with asking questions.

As Saturn opened up about deeper topics, I was reminded that I wasn't the only one with a rough life. And while I thought the aftermath of the helicopter crash only affected me, Saturn indirectly explained the traumatic effect it had on her. Her relationship with Wyatt was on the rocks for a while. She constantly stood up for me, but that made her the target of ridicule just like me. Independent of the crash, her family took a hit financially after her father relapsed with his gambling addiction.

However, she did not say all of this directly. Saturn hinted at some things but since I knew her past I could connect the dots. For Kendra, she just nodded her head and tried to put herself in Saturn's shoes.

All this knowledge was way too personal to be sharing on the first day knowing someone. But I guess that is how Kendra rolled.

I restrained myself from commenting, not wanting Kendra to encourage me to join in.

She never forced me to say anything. The atmosphere around her was like a mother's hug, a haven for support. Kendra didn't need to know everything to make you feel understood. She never gave a judgmental look. Her eyes revealed her compassion. She made sure to continue to look at both of us to make us feel like we belonged. I knew that when this brunch was over our bond would be stronger than ever.

Kendra commented to Saturn, "You are a Biochem major? You must be so smart! I could never drag myself through anything involving life or Science." She went on to describe her high school drama, past experiences with pets, and her two spoiled younger brothers. Her brothers seemed to cause most of the trouble as she explained how they could weasel out of blame.

Although Saturn and I didn't have siblings, I always considered her my sister. Hopefully, I could have that bond with Kendra too.

Like a relaxed sister, Kendra snorted at all of her own jokes. I didn't hesitate to tease her by calling her a pig. That caused her to laugh even more, thoroughly proving my point.

Suddenly, Kendra asked, "Do you think moving to Atlanta was worth it?"

Of all the questions you could ask, you had to ask that? My mind raced with the millions of answers Saturn could give.

I remembered the day that Saturn had been accepted to Michigan State University with a scholarship. It made my heart sink, but I was happy for her. She was my only friend that had stuck with me during thick and thin. I wasn't sure how I could deal with losing her. Long term relationships had a tendency of dying off.

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