Chapter 19

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With each boom, a spout of white, red, or blue erupted into the sky. Wyatt and Saturn stepped out of the car to find a spot to be romantic without making us uncomfortable. However, I made sure that they would be back by 10:30 pm. While Saturn had nothing on her plate tomorrow, I had to get up for work. No matter how cranky I was now, I would be ten times worse without a good night's sleep. That left my Momma in the driver's seat, me in the passenger seat, and Ben in the back seat.

The town square was filled with people, getting up close and personal to get a good view. Their body heat alone could have added three degrees to the humid temperature. A few drunk folks wandered the streets with their rowdy spirits. With a stroke of luck, we found parking with a view of the main attraction. In my tired state, I pleaded with my Momma to watch from the car. It didn't take much convincing, since sitting eased some ache out of her always aching back.

My Momma turned on her smooth jazz radio station, making the car purr. It paired with the sound of the air conditioning, breathing out a cold, relaxing breath.

My body sank into my seat as I watched the sky. For a moment, I drifted my awareness became a haze. My memories captured me into my Momma and I's late-night drives when I was younger. It was one of the only things that made me stop crying. A long, winding drive.

Then, like being zapped, my Momma cleared her throat.

"I'm going to go outside for some fresh air."

"Do you want me to go with you? You never know who'll be out there."

"I've lived fifty-five years longer than you and more time on these streets. I'll be fine. You be safe yourself, alright?"

I raised an eyebrow but nodded.

She pushed her door shut. I watched her walk away with an unsettling feeling press on my chest.

Suddenly, another door opened and closed. I looked back to see Ben slide into the driver's seat next to me.

Is it bad that I forgot that you were here?

There was no way to ignore him now. Once settled, he didn't say anything. The act added another thing I liked about him.

At first, my body tensed with discomfort.

Had my Momma been plotting to get us alone together? Was it Ben's plan? What did he intend to do? What should I do? If only Saturn and Wyatt would barge in.

I snuck glances at him, looking like the weirdo I was. I knew he could feel my gaze, along with my oozing emotions. However, he retained a look on his face that melted my riled up thoughts. His jawline slacked, leaving his lips close to coming apart. My finger wanted to run along his unbunched eyebrows to make sure to press away any ugly, hidden worries. Maybe they wanted to feel the same serenity that he did.

He looked approachable, almost...vulnerable.

Not as vulnerable as he was in the garden.

I felt ready to talk. I hoped he was ready to listen.

"I want to make this work."


"I want this." I gestured to him and I. "A friendship like us. This feels nice. Not having any pressure to do anything or be anything. You would probably be a better friend to me than I ever could be to you. And I will probably be busy a lot and maybe ignore your calls because I'm sleeping. I might choose Saturn, Kendra, or my other friends over you, but don't feel bad. I might just need some girl time. My Momma might ask for your number and bug you to get info about me. You see how she is with Saturn. But she is very friendly and wouldn't hurt a fly...unless the fly bit her pretty bad. But that's not the point!"

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