Chapter 7

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Is there a possibility that he mistakenly meant to give his number to Saturn or Kendra instead of me?

At some point in time, I had found a pen. Mindlessly, I fiddled with it in between my fingers. While my fellow interns were typing away, I took a break for them to catch up. Kendra gave me my space as I became lost in thought.

There is no way he would want to go out with me. I am the pathetic, disabled girl. What would we even do? It's not like we can take long walks on the beach. Would he have the patience to push me around? Can we even hold hands while strolling somewhere if I have to roll myself forward?

Hold on a minute. This is only supposed to be a summer fling at most. After one date, he might not want to see me ever again. That is fine too. I don't have to keep worrying about what he will think. It's not like I long to have an emotional connection with someone of the opposite sex or to have more physical contact in general... Yeah. Who am I kidding?

Plus, if I start dating now, I can get practice for other people, right? Just think, it would be pretty pathetic if a thirty-year-old didn't have their first kiss yet, right? I love how in my thoughts I can pretend to have people agree with everything I say.

Kendra looks happy being single. But so does Saturn with her relationship with Wyatt. Why can't there be a straightened arrow path? Could Kendra secretly be lonely and depressed inside? Kendra is an attractive person. Is she somehow clingy or a bad girlfriend? Does she have a partner on the side that she hasn't told me about yet?

This Mystery Man seems like a cool person.

In the darkest corners of my mind, my true fears made a permanent home.  

After so many people cut themselves off from my life, I felt scarred with betrayal. It was stupid that one life crisis could make the world turn on me. It's a terrible feeling when no one trusts you. When you have no one to turn to for advice or support. It's even worse when you realize that the people who knew you best, you actually knew the least about.

I would never bear that willingly ever again. 

But...Everyone you let into your life walks on that same tight rope.  

Stop thinking so much and pick up the stupid phone and call him!

About week had passed since I first thought about calling the Mystery Man. The action was in the process of being completed. If everything went well, it would be completed in a month. Saturn pestered me for details every afternoon. Kendra was more lenient, but she gave me a judgemental look whenever I responded with silence or by changing the topic. 

No considerate, bold, handsome gentleman should have to wait this long. You are being stupid. Make the call.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. 

I looked at the caller ID. My breath was swept away when I saw it was the Mystery Man. I answered with an energetic facade. 

"Hey, dude!"

He replied, "Is this Carly?" 

"Uh, yes. Yes, it is." A moment of silence passed. "How did you get my phone number to call me?"

I could almost hear him huff out a laugh. "You called me." Stupid superpower that has a mind of its own.  

I let out a fake laugh. "Yeah! I know. I was just playing a joke on you. So, how is life going for you?" I backed up from my desk and rolled into the hallway. Kendra raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I eased a bit when I noticed General Hemingway was distracted with something else. 

"It's good. You called at a perfect time. There is a lull as we transition between our duties. I just got finished with my weekly chores, so that's something to be happy about. How are you? What are you doing right now?"

"I am doing good, too. I'm at the Atlanta U.S. Cyber Security building inspecting some programming and coding in the technology that's here." I sank further into my chair. As we spoke, I twirled a lock of my hair. 

"That's awesome! I never knew you did that. Does that mean you are into gaming?"

"Actually, I never fell head over heels with the hobby. I never found myself an addicting enough game to play. I use my computer a lot for work and college. I don't want it getting slow." I added with a smirk, "If I did find an addicting game, I think it would be too much to restrain myself from playing it at work." 

"True. True."Huh, this isn't that hard, I thought to myself. 

Then, he addressed the elephant in the room.

"Did you want to go out sometime?" The uncertainty in his voice stretched out the question like taffy. Maybe I am not the only insecure person here. Guilt washed over me as I imagined how he felt over the last few days. 

"Yes! Of course. Who wouldn't want to go out with you? I mean, you are an attractively... nice person to meet. So, our "going out" is a date, right?"

"Yes, Carly." He made it sound so obvious, but I would have contemplated the phrase's meaning until I went insane.

"You never told me what your name was, by the way."

I could imagine the smile tug at his lips. Mischief must have lit up his eyes.  

"Go on a date with me and I will tell you." I scrunched my nose in frustration. 

"How about Friday? I wasn't sure if you wanted to go somewhere fancy or somewhere like Sunshine Cafe. I'm available after work, so dinner?"

"I'll pick out the place. Just dress fancy, okay?" My heart fluttered at the thought.

"Okay. You have my number now. You can text or call me when you have the place figured out. I'll see you then."

"Bye, Carly." 

I hung up the call. If I had been at home and been able to stand, I could have leaned against a door and sank to the floor like a hopeless romantic. However, I was not at home. I was at work in a building of brilliant people who didn't want to know about my personal life. Second, I lived my life in a wheelchair. There was only one reason for that, and he could be my key to the truth.

Remember, this date is to get information about the helicopter crash. Keep your head in the game. 

I suppressed the thought for the time being as I spilled the beans to Kendra. Soon enough, I was at the apartment retelling the details to Saturn too. 

Saturn let out another one of her, becoming more common, squeals that resulted in our neighbors pounding on the wall. 

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