Chapter 21

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"You should totally be going out."

Day Two of Kendra's pestering began to draw an audience as Peyton and James crowded in.

"No way." I could have been worried that Dominic would pop back to his desk at any moment without warning. He was a devilishly sneaky bastard, he was. Giving me jump scares whenever I wasn't paying attention.

However, our group had watched as the General exited the workroom with Dominic dragging his feet. It turned out that the General's call yesterday was to tell him that he shadowed her today. Kendra had waited a minute after the doors clicked closed before giving the all-clear. By that, she started to shout our conversation for everyone to hear, except him.

It took everything in my body to not clap my hand over her mouth.

She exclaimed, "He's been giving you hints this whole time!"

The idea that he actually did like me scared me shitless. First off, Ben liked me too, and that turned into a roller coaster of drama. Second, my mind continued to hound on my resolve to stay distant.

The idea of getting attached to anything would just be burdensome. Plus, what if he does something terrible? I couldn't imagine him hurting a fly, but I don't want any more baggage. How do I say that without it coming out sounding so wrong?

I need to stay on task. I'll keep up a friendly, smiling face and continue my "normal self". Soon enough, I won't have to act anymore.

But am I actually acting?

I already knew the answer to that question, but I silently rationalized it away.

I raised my eyebrows and scuffed at Kendra.

"Like you would know!"

She jutted her chin out.

"Better than you by the looks of it."

I playfully rolled my eyes. However, a passive-aggressive agitation lingered beneath the surface of the gesture.

My eyes clung to Peyton and James, silently begging for some sort of backup. I hoped they could comment, "You shouldn't date coworkers" or "Give it some time". However, from the looks on their faces, I could tell that they sided with Kendra on this one.

Dominic is just a distraction. They all are.

I digressed, "Are we sure we should be talking about this in James's presence?" Kendra waved off the comment.

"He's practically a girl. He doesn't mind."

"Hey!" He commented.

I added, "He might blab to Dominic though."

"Snitches get stitches, and I'm no snitch." James made a gesture that mimicked a knife slicing his throat. His jaw clenched and his eyes became hard. I had no choice but to believe him. All the while, I persuaded myself that I didn't care one way or another how Dominic and I's pathway turned out.

I said, "Well, don't you think we shouldn't be discussing this in the presence of all of these other people?"

A smirk grew on Kendra's innocent face.

"They will discover it soon enough once they realize you and Dominic are dating."

"How do you know we will start dating, to begin with? Are you psychic? Trying to set me up?"

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