Chapter 9

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"Momma, why are you calling me at nine-thirty at night?" My room was pitch black with faint lumination through my heavy-duty curtains. When I heard my phone rang, I assumed it was my alarm for tomorrow morning. As I listened to my Momma, I was not sure if I wished that was the case or not. 

"I wanted to make sure you were okay, Honey. I know you youngsters like to stay up late so I knew you would be up." I rubbed my sleep-filled eyes as I rolled over in bed to turn on my lamp. I didn't bother to correct her all too false of a statement. I stifled a yawn.

"What do you want to talk about Momma?"

"How did the hang out with Kendra and Saturn go? Did they completely hate each other? I haven't seen a catfight in so long. Anything new at work? You made any more friends?"

Have I really not talked or texted her since over a week ago? I looked through my phone to read over my texts and recent phone calls. No wonder she is antsy to get some intel. I guess it is true that mothers had the worst timing though.

I responded vaguely, "I made some friends, not any friends I would talk to outside of work though."

"What 'bout Saturn and Kendra?"

"They are BFFs now. It was like a match made in heaven. Maybe we could be the Three Musketeers next Halloween if we still went trick or treating." I giggled at my own joke. I could sense my Momma becoming inpatient. Something hung heavy on her mind.  

"Saturn told me that there's a new man in your life. What's that about?" 

That's what it was. If I knew Saturn, I knew that she called my Momma the first chance she could to tell her. Saturn would have told her every nitty-gritty detail about the encounter, the call, how I am faring after the situation. 

"Yep. I met him in a cafe. He gave me his number. I called him." I could feel her glaring at me through the phone. However, she let my lack of details go. God bless. 

"What else do you want to know, Momma?"

"Why didn't you tell me 'bout this sooner? This is somethin' Mommas want to know 'bout! When do I get to see him? Would I approve? You'll send me a picture, right?"

"Momma, I just didn't think about it. It isn't a big deal! Plus, Saturn told you all about it. She can be your number one daughter from now on if you don't want to actually hear the story from me. You always obsess over her relationship with Wyatt. Do you know how insane it would be to ask to take a picture of him for my Momma? He might think I want to keep as my screensaver or something creepy!"

I heard her suck in a breath. Guilt immediately beat me up senseless.

"I didn't mean to snap, Momma. I'm just getting used to the internship program, new people, and I'm actually really tired. I forget to talk to my number one supporter since you live so far away!"

"It's fine, Honey. I didn't know you felt that way. I'll try better to listen to you more, but you have to be open to tell me these things, okay"

"Okay, Momma," I conceded.

My Momma's upbeat personality resumed control. "You sparked a great idea about me living so far away. When should I come over to meet your man? Do you want it to be soon or later..."

"Momma! The phone is breaking up... Plus, I don't even know him yet... Kerr... Bye, Momma... Ker..." I hung up on my exasperated Momma on the other line. 

I tossed my phone back on the nightstand and clicked off the lamp. Sleep blanketed over me in a matter of minutes. My Momma managed to wander into my dreams as she shot fire bolts at me as she flew on a broomstick. Soon, my odd, uncalled for dream transitioned over to my date with the "new man in my life". It consisted of a night that couldn't stop going wrong. We never ended up having a peaceful, candlelit dinner after all. Upon telling Saturn, she almost dropped dead in terror. 

Mind to MetalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora