Chapter 10

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On Friday, General Hemingway wished me a good weekend as I rushed out of the Georgia Cyber Center. Kendra followed my car to the apartment to join in on the fun. Saturn skipped her Friday Yoga class to help me pretty up for my date. Both of them knew I would need all the help I could get.

Was this what Saturn felt like before a date? My heart raced with giddiness. I wanted to move around and express myself in every way. I almost shook the living daylights out of Saturn as I squealed in anticipation. The sound of Kendra and Saturn's hilarious, seductive role play distracted me from the nervous night ahead. Two hours later, I looked at the beautiful woman staring at me in the mirror. Kendra and Saturn sent me off like Godmothers watching their princess go to the ball.

I drove into the restaurant parking lot to find it packed. Many of the cars were Lamboginis, McLarens, and Aston Martins. I hoped no one looked too closely at my beat up Ford Focus that was parked crooked. Although it was seven-thirty at night, the sun made it seem much earlier. The idea of staying up late invigorated me for the first time in ages.

I doubled checked the text message the Mystery Man sent hours earlier as I sat in my car. My shock eventually faded and morphed into determination.

Everything seems right according to this. I guess I just have to go in.

I scoped out the parking lot, but I didn't find his figure walking in. Not knowing what to expect, I waited five minutes before heading in. I knew all too well of the humiliation of walking in somewhere to not have someone waiting for you. It was like finding seating in the high school lunchroom all over again. I shook my head to clear my mind.

This will be fun. Be optimistic. The attitude you bring will to the table determine your perspective, right? That's what my Psychology teacher said so...

The inside of the restaurant was another world compared to the outside composure. Soft jazz music played in the background. Fish tanks decorated the sides of each booth. Everyone was either dressed in a dress suit or a beautiful dress. I looked down at my own attire and wondered if I dressed too unelegant for the occasion. The air of enchantment captured my breath.

A line of people sat on the benches in front of the hostess booth. I bit my lip as I rolled toward the woman standing behind it.

"I-I have a table reserved tonight. Someone should be here already." Suddenly, the Mystery Man emerged from the background. His smile lit up the dimly illuminated room.

It was only seconds, but I felt like it was hours. I ran my eyes up and down his body. He wore a black suit with a white undershirt and black tie. It might have come off unoriginal to some stuck up people, but classic never goes out of style in my mind. He gelled his air into a neat side comb over, neater than when I first met him. My hands itched to ruffle it back to its messy nature.

I felt the urge to cover myself as he looked at me in the same way. Kendra, Saturn, and I had decided on a rose gold spaghetti strap dress with sequins decorating the fabric like dragonfly wings. It had been one of my dresses that I purchased before I was paralyzed and thought I should have just in case an important event came up. It was also when I thought I had loads of money to spend carelessly. It was surprisingly easy to slip on and off. Plus, the straps eradicated the struggle of constantly pulling my dress up while in my wheelchair. You showed up late and dressed wrong. It's wouldn't be out of the ordinary if you continued to make a fool of yourself.

I stared at him wide eyed when he took the chance to push me to our table. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping I wasn't as heavy as I assumed I was. To my relief, he was able to roll me with ease. His massive muscles didn't hurt his efforts either. Even hidden under his suit, I sensed the definition in his arms.

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