Chapter 18

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I drank in his blue jeans and flannel. Even though it was as hot as hell outside, he seemed like he didn't mind. He looked cleanly shaven, drawing my eyes toward his jawline and lips. My nose picked up on his cologne from four feet away.

I took a deep breath.

"Hey, Carly," Ben addressed me.

I shook my head, hoping no one was watching me too closely. Saturn eyes erupted into fireballs as she glared at him. Wyatt looked between us and at Saturn.

"How do you know Ben?"

I replied, "I've-uh, seen him around. We go to the same weekend cafe. How do you know him again?"

I bit my lip. Anxiously, I looked at the ground or on Wyatt. Ben raked his eyes over my face and lured me to meet his gaze. My cheeks grew hot. I felt my heart stutter. I couldn't meet Saturn's gaze or else I'd reveal all my dark secrets. Wyatt was oblivious as he answered my question.

"We go to the same Air Base. Plus, I've known him since high school. We were in the same squad. He's always the life of the party." Wyatt clapped Ben on the back.

My mouth dangled open in shock.

"You were friends with the guy who paralyzed me?" I exclaimed.

I looked at Saturn. "You were the girlfriend of the friend of the one who paralyzed me?"

People began to stare in my direction. I rubbed the back of my neck and lowered my voice.

"Wyatt, how come you never told me?"

He shrugged, "I didn't think about it. Plus, after a month or so, the topic kind of...drifted away. Ben's a good guy. Would you have thought of me differently if I told you I was his friend?"


"Let's just get back to setting out the food, shall we?"

This time, as I rolled toward the house, Wyatt, Saturn, and Ben followed. Ben's gaze bore into my back. Warm shivers racked my spine even though it was at least eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit outside.

How can I feel so hot and cold at the same time? What is he doing to me? How is this happening? I'm becoming a puddle!

My Momma's hand gripped on my wheelchair when I entered. She danced us through the crowd until we arrived in the kitchen. Away from the guest's ears, she took a deep breath and let out a high pitched squeal.

"Wyatt! So nice to see you! How are you, baby?" She gripped him with a strength she kept hidden from her guests. I could have sworn a young, energetic, and soulful woman was living inside that aging body.

He returned her hug with the same enthusiastic force.

"Just fine, Momma. I'm here to help out. Whatever you need."

"That's the man I know. So considerate." Wyatt smiled sheepishly. Then, Momma's attention changed to Ben.

"And who are you?"

He nodded his head in her direction.

"My name is Ben. I'm Wyatt's friend from the Air Force. I heard that you throw the best parties in the whole state. I thought that I needed to see such an amazing woman." He clasped two hands around my Momma's as he shook it. She rolled her eyes.

"I don't mind the compliment, but all that flattery won't get you anywhere. You gotta work to be in good graces."

He smiled.

"Not a problem, ma'am."

Then, my Momma began passing out dishes and tinfoil containers for us to carry to the tables outside. When Saturn walked past, she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I pushed it out of my mind for the time being.

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