Chapter 13

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Peacing out for now.
~J. King

I laid in bed the next morning thinking over what Jared said.

You are a lowlife who can't fend for herself. You can't do anything without feeding off of someone else.

The idea of going to work was a nightmare. I imagined everyone's eyes on me. We would type or work in our separate groups without addressing the elephant in the room. Yesterday's fiasco would be on everyone's minds. I'd be left in the corner with Kendra since everyone wouldn't want to get on Jared's bad side. I'd go back to my shut off way of working, progressing in my online classes, and talking with Kendra.

It was comfortable. It was predictable. I'd acted this way for the last three-four years of my life. It was enough, but I knew that I was missing out on a whole other experience. An experience that sparked a new bundle of emotions that made me smile.

Was I a lowlife? Maybe. I take quality time to search for coupons and might look odd when I read alone on my free time instead of party.

Can't fend for herself? Always feeding off of someone else? It was harsh, but true in many ways. I couldn't do a lot of things. I can't shower standing up so I have to use the bath. I am blessed that I have some ability since I was young and healthy. Once I get older, I will have to ask for help more. If something terribly wrong happened, I would need Saturn or Kendra.

I was an easy target, which Jared confirmed yesterday. Some people have wondered why I haven't killed myself already. It is supposedly unbearable to live knowing that once upon a time I was normal. I might have cried over my legs at first, but I moved on. There was so much more to life. I could still see the stars. I had my Mom and other people who cared about me. I could smell the summer flowers in front of our apartment building.

All the more reasons to get up and out of bed.

I rolled my neck and stretched my back. Both led to a cluster of satisfying cracks.

I'll be fine. I'm confident. Today's another day to be a more amazing me.

I hoisted myself into my wheel chair and rolled to the bathroom.


Kendra, normally hot on the trail of gossip or interesting topics, said little to me when we began working. The only hint at our bond was when she squeezed my hand. To an outsider, the room was filled with strangers who couldn't speak the same language, so they said nothing.

General Hemingway and other workers faced confused looks. However, they too fell into the same demeanor. General walked to her desk with a tall stack of papers before speaking in a hushed voice to her shadow. In all, everyone's voices were hushed if they had to converse at any time. Tension thick enough to cut with a knife swelled within the room.

The setting didn't affect me much. I wizzed through my work, secretly assisting Kendra as a way of being helpful.

The extroverts in our group had a much harder time. I felt some pity at the discomfort in their eyes.

Peyton and James found it hard to meet my gaze. It hurt as Dominic, James, and Peyton spoke with each other without saying a word. I wanted that.

Were they trying to make me feel like I didn't belong?

Finally, Dominic gave a hard glare at Peyton and James which I knew meant, "you both are acting stupid."

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