Chapter 8

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General Hemingway dished out tasks for interns to either shadow someone, work on a project, or get one-on-one time with the General to discuss your future in the field. There was a handful of groans and high fives. The General ignored them as she read off her list, sometimes stopping to give a cold stare to a miscreant.

Kendra waited to give me a high five after she was assigned to work a project, but I gave her a puzzled look.

Was it a mistake that the General didn't call my name?

By the time General Hemingway finished reading off her list, she added, "Miss Taylor, I need to speak with you for a moment. Everyone is dismissed to follow through with their assigned duty." I could have sworn that some people whispered "ooo" as they walked away. I hated how it intensified the thought that I could have done something wrong.

She gestured for me to follow her into the hallway. General Hemingway's shadow for the day took the hint and waited within the workroom.

The rumblings of rowdy interns were cut off after the door closed. The hallway was empty, emphasizing how personal or serious this conversation might be.

It took General Hemingway a solid minute before she spoke. My anxiety drove me to break the silence.

"What would you like to talk to me about?" Her gaze was calculated as she looked over my appearance. Like always, she wore a suit with a button down blouse. Her block heels were minimal in height but added to her ability to tower over me. It didn't scare me in the slightest, but it added to her professional, goddess-like, leader figure. I gave her all of my patience.

After a moment, General Hemingway's eyes softened.

"I read up about the plane crash that caused your life-long injury. It's a terrible thing to go through. You were so close to going off into the world. Although seventeen isn't that young of an age, it is too early to have your life thrown in a spiral. I didn't want to talk to you about the incident in front of everyone else in case you were not comfortable."

"Thank you for considering that." She nodded then went on.

"In the end, the case became classified so I don't know its entirety. I did read over the news reports from the time. It seems like you were put in the wrong light. I wish things would have gone differently. You should have spent all of your time worrying about your recovery instead of about other people..."

Dang it. Why can't she make it easy and just spill all of the government's greatest secrets to me?

I guess I will have to go with my original plan to steal the info.

As she continued talking, I couldn't help but imagine her words similar to a mother talking to her daughter. Within the workroom, she was generally stone cold and all business. Even then, she still would give me the smallest of smiles. This tiny step outside of that world brought out emotions I didn't know existed in her.

Would there be a way to sneakily get it from her? What was the possibility of the information slipping out of her on accident?

Not likely. Someone like her would never make a silly slip up. She has been working for the U.S Department of Defense for years. She wouldn't be in the position she was in if she didn't know when to keep to herself or speak out.

I knew in the end, I would definitely go against the grain and do what I had to do. It didn't matter if General Hemingway assisted or not.

I tensed when she placed her hand on my shoulder. Her eyes stared into my soul.

"If you want anyone to talk to, you can come to me."

"Dang, if I would have known you were going to say this to me, I would have come and talked to you sooner." I hoped my comment wasn't too informal for her taste.

As if lost in thought, a longing look waned over her complexion.

"If I would have known what you could do and who you would turn out to be, I would have tried to meet you sooner."

Before the General led me back to the workroom, she asked me to wait near the door. She walked off to a nearby room then returned with her arms full of paperwork.

Please God no. Is this the assignment she didn't call out in front of everyone?

"Miss Taylor, can you open the door for me?" I didn't hesitate to comply with her request.

Once again, we were back in the world of technology and work. I fled as General Hemingway's shadow replaced my position next to her. Looking back, I noticed the distressed look wash over the shadow's face upon seeing the mountain of work.

"What was that about?" Kendra asked as I rolled back to my desk. A wave of content washed over my features as I remembered the event.

"Hemingway wanted to give me her condolences for the helicopter crash that led to my disability."

While focusing on her computer, Kendra said, "Well, that was awfully nice of her. Maybe I should break my arm and see if I can get the same attention. Not jealous or anything. Did she ever tell you what you were doing today?"

"Nope. I'll just work with you." Kendra smiled at the idea, and then she turned her computer so that I could see.

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