V. Pun

541 7 0

The Value of EX & WHY?

Why do I bother?
To revisit the last chapter?
And talk about my past lover?
Does it really matter?
What is the value of EX and WHY?
Perhaps, I need a sad track
Or books that are new edition
Or maybe a room with division
To remove the constants
Constant distractions that are abundant
Constant confusions that are redundant
To know her value that is important
It's her, I truly cannot ignore
Because for me, she was a cure
For my closed heart that refused to explore
And she made me a better person than before
It's a great mourning
Ever since I left crying
Knowing I am not deserving
Although I was trying
I loved her and that is true
But we're not meant to be, God knew
She deserved someone better
So that means we can't be together
I made this for recreation and exposure
But at the same time, a needed closure
To move forward and be mature
To reopen my heart and be sure
Now I know the value of EX and WHY
It's important to find a solution
To move to the next equation
Instead of being stuck in a confusion
I am thankful for my EX
Sorry if I'm complex
Whenever my intentions perplex
Let's just move forward to the next
I now open my heart to someone new
To YOU who loved me despite my flaw
It's time to appreciate the value of YOU
For me, the greater value is within YOU
It is true indeed that there is a reason
In every unique person
Who came in each season
To teach us a lesson
When the value of EX is known
It's an answer that is not a mistake
Although it brought me heartache
It's a lesson I willingly intake
When the value of YOU is being computed
I know that I am never defeated
But rather, I am completed
I let go because it's YOU whom I needed

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