VII. Hyperbole

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I Like The Sound Of Seven Thunders

Breaking asunder!
My reputation struck by thunder!
Emulating a scene of such wonder
I sat still amidst the noise to ponder
Broken pieces of reflective mirror
Reflects a light in different angles
Whenever I write passionately
Their stomach growls uncomfortably
So are my words interpreted in many angles
That pierce through their hearts like a javelin
None was there to talk to me
When I speak my mind, they attempt to stitch me
Their long endless loop of euphonic rhythm
Makes my ears bleed like a broken vessel
So I write ten thousand words in a minute
I play it aloud to sound like the seven thunders
One, they don't like it
Two, they don't want to listen
Three, they can't comprehend it
Four, they try to avoid it
Five, it's always unexpected
Six, it's always controversial
Seven, it's always thought-provoking
Because my words are not empty!
Like the sound of seven rumbling thunders
It is frowned upon
Not everyone likes it
But it can make a difference

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