Zone Part 3

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I wandered around until I ended up finding myself in the kitchen. I saw that Derek was alone, a cup of what I guess was tea in hand. I sat across from him to grab his attention and did

"Oh...Hi Kayla, need someone or something?"

"No...Derek is something wrong? look a little sick"

"Nah, I'm good...I was worried, that's all. I mean Zuri literally killed someone in cold blood, what if.."

"Hey c'mon now what ifs okay? Zuri does what she has to..I was there and she saved Blake, he would have died...probably"

"Sorry Kay...I'm going to bed"

He said as he looked back at me with a sad smile, I knew they had been friends before and he and Jesse saved Zuri when they were young, but why was he so attracted to her? She never let her guard down and was always rude. I was walking out of the kitchen when I slammed into Emanuel, making both of us fall and papers go everywhere

"Oh god...I'm so so sorry Emanuel.."

"It's fine just hurt a little bit"

We both laughed as I helped pick up his papers..I knew he hung around Blake and Jesse alot so I had to know one thing...It may have been bad to ask but who cares..I'll risk it

"Hey...Do you know what's with Zuri and Derek? She is relaxed with him and Blake but it seems like her guard is up with everyone else"

"Kayla..look Zuris had it rough, When Derek and Jesse got to her she was terrified out of her own mind...Now she can't really unsee that I guess...She's openly tell you herself why she doesn't care enough to let her guard down with you so I'd ask her yourself...Sorry though"

I smiled at him, causing him to smile back as I handed him the papers I picked up

"Anyway, I have to take these to Jesse and go to train for a to you later."

I nodded knowing he couldn't see because he had walked away, I gave up and went to my room, thinking about everything.


In the training room I was training with Jesse, he never slowed his pace and never let up, I had to dodge his every move and try to land hits. I'll admit it's difficult when you have to move and make your own moves as you go. We were training as if I was fighting something bad, fast and hard to kill. Jesse's yellow-ish eyes seemed to never look away from what I was doing, and I accidentally let up, being kicked to the floor. Wincing I sighed and stood up, seeing Blake was leaning on the wall with a slight smile

"You did pretty well, you lasted longer than even I could"

Rolling my eyes Jesse helped me to my feet and when he touched my hand I remembered the past and pulled away

"You'll die one day Jesse. Okay so don't ever think of helping people. There's no point in helping people who will do nothing to help themselves."

He sighed and looked me up and down, a slightly irritated look

"Yet I had to save you and Derek as kids. You act so high and mighty now that you've seen what happens. WOW you want a party Zuri? Because all of us know what can happen, we need you to remove the bitch pants for once and loosen the fuck up before I force you the fuck up, am I understood?"

I couldn't tell if Blake was laughing or shocked, I didn't really care. His words never really fazed me, when he lft Blake gave me a hug and was definitely laughing

"Wow Zur...You just got told off by someone who wear bigger bitch pants then you"

I shrugged and sat down, then I saw red hair and green eyes, registering it as Emaneul so I walked out of the training room and back to my room. I had a slight bruise from Jesse but that wasn't too bad. I thought about it and he was right, he DID save me back then...even now I hadn't really thought of it, so I decided to try to loosen up and be nicer to people, or course I knew it'd probably not work.


I'd never seen Jesse blow up on Zuri, they were so much alike that it was weird. Zuri being as emotionless as she didn't look like she really cared so when he left I hugged her and made a small joke, I knew she lightly smiled at it but would go to great lengths to cover it. When Emanuel came in, she slipped out.

"Hey, here for training? Cause sparring partners just both left with slight attitudes"

"no...I came for the training"

I looked at him before registering he meant on other weapons, his one weapon was a sword and we all knew he needed more, everyone needed at least two so I grabbed my throwing knife and handed him some

"Hit the target."

He nodded and tossed it, but it bounced off and I suddenly knew I'd have my work cut out for me.

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