Zone Part 5

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Training went for hours and I still haven't hit a single target. I could tell Blake was annoyed but he kept barking instructions out. I jumped and threw a knife when someone walked in, the issue was I threw it at the person who caught it with ease but glared at me, it was Zuri. She looked around at the mess as I looked a little shocked them caught myself

"I'm so sorry Zuri..I didn't-"

"I don't care Emanuel. I'm here to discuss something with Blake and you...aim for the target, breathe and become one with the blade as you release, command it in your own way, only then can it really be useful to you, like a person."

I saw Blake smile at her and she rolled her eyes, bringing my knife back, I could tell I cut her hand but knew not to speak up at the point. I looked directly at the target and took a deep breath, relaxing to the coolness of the blade and I threw it. It finally stayed in the target, but it wasn't in the place I wanted it to be, sighing, I had to take a break. So I went outside to see Kayla sitting at a bench and I went over to her



I smiled at her and she seemed to look happier in general

"What you up to?"

"Oh..I'm writing a diary, since Zuri says we're all going to die anyway, I want to be remembered at least"

"Oh...clever, Can I sit?"


We sat and talked for a long time before it became dark and I needed to go back to training.


Zuri talked to Emanuel and wasn't completely a bitch this time, I smiled and knew she was trying, I guessed she didn't like it though, it must have been hard for her to force herself to be kind, she's been bitchy for seven years. We sat in my office talking about a mission we were going to receive and saw Emanuel walk out, I could see the light smile on her lips as we saw a knife in the corner of the target.

"Finally hitting that thing, good advice though Zuri, maybe you took Jesse's words to heart? Or you like him?"

She hit my arm, making me laugh some. I knew she let herself loosen up with me, I saw a side to her only Derek had really seen, so I teased her a lot when we talked

"I of course listened to him. I owe him my life, but I can't give him that, as I mentioned Jesse told me about a mission that could possibly save us, we have to get him to ground Zero though"

I nodded, slowly taking her words in still. Saving the world? Who would survive? I chuckled and caught her off guard.

"Whats funny Blake?"

"You may have been right, we're all going to die right? Well this is how. I'm in"

She looked at her hands and sighed, I could feel something in her seemed to be going off. Like she was thinking of something she shouldn't be.


No one had seen Hunter in days, which meant he was in his room still or training, he hated to be around others, mostly when Zuri mentioned people don't stick around. I hated when she did that, I did. Mostly because she acted like she didn't care when deep deep down she did, she showed it on missions by picking up the slack from others. I walked to Hunters room and walked in, seeing him sitting in a corner reading. He looked up at me but said nothing and went back to his story.

"Hunter, come on dude what is with you?"

"I like Zuri"

I was slightly shocked, he said it with ease yet I could tell he meant it and I smiled. I also felt a ping of jealousy, I could tell most guys here liked her yet she didn't care

"Since when?"

"I don't know when, I know I do"

"How Hunter? You hate people"

"That's how I know, I don't like being away from her suddenly"

I kept what I Wanted to say to myself, knowing what happens when I say things like that and talked about the mission, he said he'd agree if Zuri did, I told him she did so he easily agreed. When I left I almost collided with Kayla again, she'd been crying and I looked at her, her eyes looked puffy and her cheeks red

"Something wrong with you?"

"Nothing you'd understand! You stupid boys!"

I was so confused but went to my office to finish getting the papers done.

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