Zone Part 9

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I can't believe...he kissed me, I was running out of his room and to the training room, the feeling of him still clinging to me. Blake came out his office and looked at me, a little confused so I had to explain to him why I did what I did

"Look Blake...I did what I did because I was hurting emotionally, I got rejected and made a stupid choice"

"I understand then. Are you alright? I've never seen you look like this."


My words were cut off by an agonizing pain in my lungs, I cried out and fell to my knees, feeling Blake go to his knees beside me. The pain was only growing and I saw the world starting to become black, then I heard people yelling and Zuri in front of me, Blake with his knife out. I fell to the ground with the pain merely spreading still.


I stood in front of Kayla, she was saying something but fell to her knees, a strand of her hair was turning white so I got to her side, but her eyes seemed to be dilated so I grabbed my knife, Before I slammed it into her to stop her and kill her Zuri tackled me and got in the way, Only one strand had changed and her eyes were starting to close. I could tell Zuri wouldn't move, behind her Kayla fell to the ground and Zuri was at her side in an instant trying to get her to wake up, I ran out to find Jesse. He looked up from paper work


I got out between pants, he got up and said

"Training room"

I nodded, still trying to catch my breath as he ran out, I know we told Zuri to be kinder the others but not if they were turning. I finally went to the training room and saw Zuri beside Jesse as he gave her CPR.


I heard people running around and yelling but couldn't care less, they'd get me if they needed me they knew where I was. I went back to reading my book. I couldn't fight the feeling that something was wrong, so I had to walk off the feeling. I felt even worse when I stepped outside and it was raining, the fog swirling on the ground like it was harmless. For me it was, I never had been affected by it yet I stood in it for hours as a child. Now that I am older it still did nothing to me. Derek came outside and saw me, a slight look of confusion as he said

"Your out of your room?"

"Yes..but is it safe for you to be outside? The fog.."

He only shrugged and I realized he was in the dome still. The dome was what covered the base, we didn't know how it was there or what it was, just that we could go in or out easily but the fog couldn't. I went and stood by him

"What's going on?"

"Don't know..I think something about Kayla...hey Hunter...can I ask you something?"

Confused I looked at Derek, he stared at his hands as he pulled them into a fist

"Are you and Zuri...anything?"

"Derek...what do you mean?"

"Do you love her? Like her?"

"I like her, but I'm not the only one and she's made it clear she hates us all"

"She used to be kind...can you believe that?"

He choked out a laugh. I sighed, not really caring for his past, mostly listening because it had to do with her.

"Then her she's so...I miss the old her"

I nodded as we heard yelling and obvious fighting, we took off inside to the training room, seeing Kayla and Zuri on the ground. A white strip in Kayla's hair, but blood on Zuri.

-What should I do for the next chapter? Should Kayla survive? Should Zuri choose who she loves? You decide~"

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