Zone part 6

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I woke up with tears in my eyes and on my cheeks, I had another nightmare about that night, everything went to hell because of the fog.I decided to go outside for a walk, when I did I saw Hunter, I could tell it was him by his hoodie. He was sitting and watching the stars, I decided to sit beside him, easily catching his attention.

"'re awake too, you look sad, care to tell me why?"

"Hunter...have you ever felt like you don't know what you're fighting for anymore?"

The looks he gave me said the words for him

"yes..If you remember my past I stood in the fog and never turned so I do always question myself. But you should never worry to much, you're strong and if you can't find one thing to fight for think of us, everyone here has a reason to be here and yours is just like everyone elses, dont doubt yourself okay?"

I nodded, remembering how bad he was when he came in, now he was more social, more open. The wind blew causing me to shiver some but as I was fixing to go back inside, I felt his body pressed to my back and his arms around my waist, I lightly melted to the warmth but was confused. Why did I like being like this? close to someone who would just end up leaving me.


"Be quiet and watch the stars with me Zuri"

I knew I blushed, not knowing why I did though. This was weird, what was he doing to me..


Zuri sat in my hold for hours, I was guessing she had fallen asleep by the lack of talking so I carried her to her room. Before I left I heard her whimpering and start crying. God why does she make me so soft all the time, I decided to stay with her that night and sleep next to her. The girl next to me was something I never thought was possible. She was always caring yet no one could see that, she barely showed herself to us, always making it seem like she was heartless, trying to scare us all away but only pulling most of us closer. Soon I started to let the darkness control me like a gentle lullaby that would hopefully never end.


I waited a little before heading off the bed, waiting for Zuri to make the usual trip for us to have coffee and talk, or train, but she didn't show. I smiled thinking she was finally getting some good sleep, so being the nosy person I am, went to her room, finding her curled up against Hunter with her arms around him. I smiled at the looks of it, they were so cute together, but I did like her a bit, I doubted that she really liked anyone here but I knew she wasn't doing anything bad or against her will, I kind of wanted to tease them about this but decided against it because they could both kill me. So I decided to leave and go to my room, only to see Derek sitting near the pool outside, feet in the blue water and I had to go see what was up. He looked at me and I could see the tenseness in him vanish.

"Seems like everyone up tonight, wow" he said

"From what I know it's us"  I responded

"I saw Hunter and Zuri earlier" he said as he looked at me

I thought back to what I just saw and smirked, knowing I could make him mad, very easily, almost every guy here liked Zuri, and Kayla had a nice body but wasn't really dating material, I doubted Zuri was either but I still went with it

"Oh no...they are sleeping, trust me when I say, they need to either kiss and get it over with or fuck and die"

"What? They...together?"

"No clue, I saw them cuddling on her bed asleep though, they are cute"

He nodded some, the defeat glowing from him but he got up and left, leaving me tired and bored so I went to bed myself


When Blake told me what he saw, I had to leave. She was the one I had always loved, I knew everyone here had a thing for her and also knew she didnt care.  I sat on my bed and thought about things when I thought about Kayla, she came to me not but six hours ago and told me she liked me, I couldnt help but reject her. She was pretty cute and all but I liked Zuri and wouldnt string someone along. So I told her no, she had run away crying and I felt bad...really bad but what could I do? Fake being in love with her? I laid down and kept thinking, trying to think of the mission to get Emanuel to the lab, I kept wondering if...maybe if we could, who would survive?

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