Zone Part 12

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Emanuel was inspecting Kayla while we were on the way, we had so many battles, all of us were weak and worn out, mostly Zuri who looked like she went through hell. When we got to the lab we were handed masks as we went in. I had laid Kayla where I was told to, then we heard a crash and Zuri took off in that direction, we didn't have time to worry so Hunter went with her. Emanuel was looking around the lab frantically while Zuri hit the ground, everyone freezing as a girl with red hair came in, holding one of Zuris own knives to her throat


Emanuel stepped up, hand out while Hunter slipped back in the room to stand by Blake and Derek

"Hey's me Amanuel...remember me?"

A look crossed her face as she helped Zuri up and saw Kayla, she looked at Emanuel who nodded and left the room.

"Look, I'll be back in a second okay? Derek, Blake you look for a blue liquid. Zuri..try to recover from that hit. Okay? Jesse and Hunter stay here with Kayla and hold her down when she starts to change. Just stay quiet. Mostly until I come back."

We all nodded and did as asked. I grabbed her hips and shoulder lightly pressing her down as Hunter looked at Zuri who shrugged and sat down, holding her ribs. Blake and Derek left the room to look for what they needed.


I saw him...after so many years, he's alive. I had to find the antidote, that girl looked weak, on the verge of losing her battle. I knew Emanuel had followed me so I stopped and faced him

"How'd you survive Rory?"

"Your antidote works ...Okay? And that girl-"

"Her names Kayla"

"Okay, well Kayla will die soon if I don't get to her, I haven't touched it since that day."

"Then I know where it is...can we get up stairs?"

I had to think for a second, then remembered all the things with white hair up there...they never tried to attack me or anything but I doubted they'd be the same with them so I might as well mention it

"There are people with white hair upstairs...they mostly leave me alone but I've seen them kill."

He nodded and pulled me back into the room, seeing the girl I had kicked was back on her feet and watching the Kayla girl

"I'm..sorry for earlier"

Her eyes looked dead, they reminded me of my own. There was little to nothing in mine, she at least had a little

"Don't worry about it. I don't care either way."

I faced Enamel, he could tell I wasn't happy with the way she talked.

"Zuri...this was the first person infected. She stands for our hope."

I felt eyes on me and looked to see the boy with black hair, his eyes looked weird. But the other one...something about him told me he wasn't human

"You' of them"

"I'm not."

"Rory stop okay?"

I nodded and left the room, going upstairs to find the antidote, I felt like I owed Emanuel this much at least, she was a person.


I sighed watching the girl leave. I didn't like the feeling she gave off. She was mysterious, she was trying to be more human that she clearly was but I had felt her kick, it wasn't humanly. I sighed and looked at Hunter who lightly smiled

"You've been sighing this whole time"

I nodded as I saw Kayla move some, both boys tightening their grips on her. I watched the door, seeing red hair and hope shot through me until I saw Emanuel followed by the other two boys. Kayla's hair was starting to turn white and she struggled more and more, soon her skin was slowly going pale

"Emanuel...what do we do?!"

He looked at the door but hope dropped from him when he saw nothing. Suddenly I knew what we had to do and so did Jesse and Hunter, because Hunter held Jesse to the wall. The other boys helping as Kay got off the bed, running at me with claws so I had to dodge. I saw the boys holding Jesse and muffling his yells. There was a pain in my side where her claws tore the skin.

I kept dodging, never getting time to throw a knife, I hugged her, feeling her claws digging through my back made me whimper some but I had to close my eyes, sliding a knife through her stomach, watching as her hair turned from white to blonde and a smile formed on her lips. I fell to my knees by her and cried

"Kayla...I'm so so sorry"

She held my hands and smiled


The blood dripping from me body started to pool under me and then I felt nothing but cold as I fell.

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