Zone Part 7

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Sitting on my bed I was still crying, I kept thinking about it

"Hey Derek...can I talk to you?"

His hair was so perfectly swept to the left, his lack hair had light red stripes in it his grayish and blue eyes looked like they drew you in, but his sweater was a tinted green from gray now, his black jeans looked great in him as he stood up

"Sure, what's up Kay?"

That nickname could make me smile as long as he said it

"I...I like you! And I know you probably like Zuri but I wanted to tell you, because as Zuri says we're all going to die anyway!'

The look that crossed his face scared me a little, it was unreadable but I hoped that it was good

"Kayla. IF we're all going to die then my answer is a flat out no for any other questions, you may leave now"

I cried then and there as I ran inside, barely stopping myself from colliding with Jesse again, he looked at me and asked if something was wrong, I yelled at him and ran to my room

I haven't left since, I felt like I wanted to die, then I heard of a mission a few of us were going on, me Zuri, Derek, Hunter, and Blake. To clear a way for the rest to get Emanuel to a lab, I sighed and knew I had another mission today though, with Blake, Hunter, Emanuel and Zuri. Mostly to scout again but also to kill anything we saw. I thought of this as my chance to inhale the fog and them kill me. I smiled to myself and got ready.


I had a mission today that I was a bit worried about, putting us four together would be weird. I knew Hunter and Zuri didn't work together well. I had to get up and go train once more with the throwing knives, I was doing better with it but still couldn't hit anything but the sides. I looked at the time and grabbed my sword, running outside to see everyone ready, Kayla looked upset today but I didn't ask why because Blake grabbed my arm and looked at me

"You can not die here. Am I clear? You have to save us all and I will hold you to it, now that we know YOU started this you have to end it. None of us can die."

I nodded, knowing that Hunter and Zuri were probably mad at me now that they knew about my past. When we left it didn't take long to see something in the distance, a girl. She looked weak and tired. Hunter and Zuri grabbed their weapons but Kayla stood up

"Let me."

I looked at her as the others let her go outside, something was off. She didn't pull out her weapon and get ready. The others felt it to, when she fell to her knees Zuri shot her bow and the arrow went right through the woman's head while Hunter pulled Kayla in and slammed her to the floor, Blake standing with a knife to her neck, me and Zuri went quiet

"What were you doing?!"

"I'm..sorry I tripped"

We could tell she was lying but Zuri helped her up and smiled, god she was amazing

"Be careful next time, I could only shoot because I was waiting to"

She nodded and we decided to go back to base, only one encounter today, that was weird. I kept thinking about how I dropped it that day, the virus spread through people and when it killed the host it became a purple fog...I hated that I hid it this whole time, the entire time I was to scared to say anything.


Getting back to base, I kept my eyes on Kayla, she had either tried to get herself killed of us. I wasn't sure which so when we did get back I pulled her to Jesse and explained it, then went to the training room, seeing Zuri training with a sword, her accuracy was almost perfectly on point. I guess something was bothering her, the look she was showing her posture.


She seemed to freeze at her name then she looked at me and nodded some

"Your aim..whats up?"

" saw Kayla, she didnt trip she was TRYING to breathe in the fog..."

It finally hit me, that could have been the real reason for it I went to my office and looked through files, coming across hers, She had no connections to this, so my guess was she wanted to not feel like a burden or something, all of us had some way being connected but her.

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