ZonePart 4

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I couldn't help but wonder, Zuri never fully recovered from her parents, I had a mission with Hunter and her today, I knew it would be dangerous. So I put small throwing knives in my boots, around my thigh, and on my arms and my guns both at my side. I knew both of the others would come prepared too, they were the best of the best without a doubt. I finished and went to wait outside, I saw Hunter sitting and looking bored, it was so rare to see him out of his room. He usually ever leaves it, but lately he has been, he's even talked a bit from what I could tell. When Zuri came out I couldn't help but stare, he hair in a high ponytail, he slim waist as the shirt clung to her, the way her black jeans lightly looked like leggings, her boots perfectly around her legs, I knew she felt better around me because I was there when she was a kid, but she made it clear she only thought of us all as people who'd die sooner or later. When we sat in the wagon Hunter actually spoke

"Okay listen up you two. We're going to encounter more than 100 I'm guessing. So have each others backs. You Zuri, cannot die here okay?"

I felt the chill in his words as Zuri nodded. Probably not but an hour later a scream filled the air and we all jumped out of the wagon, seeing a woman with bloodshot eyes and long white dress, her long white hair lightly lifted around her. "Banshee" I thought to myself as I shot it in the head, what followed her lightly caught me off guard but Hunter was faster than I thought to kill it, taking a second I looked at it, it was a wraith. Shivering I got back in the wagon with Zuri and Hunter.


I wanted to tell Zuri I didn't mean what I had said, but I did. She never thought about what she said so she was always offending people, I liked how she was because she could scare anyone off. Hunter seemed to like her for that too. "

A quality all people need is honesty"

He'd used to say that, now he didn't say too much. I was working on paperwork when a knock came to my door. I hated when people did that so I looked to see Kayla. I sighed and let her in


"I..I was wondering if maybe..."

"Kayla hurry up or I might have blake be harder on you today."

"I was wondering if you could tell me about Zuris past!"

I looked down, sighing some, she really bothered me for that?

"Leave Kayla"

"Y-yes sir"

Sitting back at my desk I had to finish the paperwork, we were not the only people fighting back. Emanuel had come to me days before telling me about his lab and how he might be able to find an antidote if we can get him there. I agreed to it but it'd take months till it was accepted and then weeks to get there.


We'd fought hundred just today and found two survivors...but they were ill so me and Zuri decided to kill them. Derek had protested but we had ignored it. I couldn't help but look at her every once in a while, she was cute I'd admit that, she also had nice flare. When we found a vampire Zuri called killing it, watching the battle I had my gun ready, knowing Derek did too. I tensed when it scratched her, I guess I blinked because I never saw her stabbing it. Now we were returning, again with no survivors. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep until we reached base. I was shaken awake, seeing Zuri had woken me, she had bruised and cuts on her body but looked like she didn't care much

"We're here Hunter."

I nodded and went to my room, relaxing on my bed. I finally admitted it...I liked Zuri like that. I knew I'd never tell her, I hated people more than anything.


I was so mad. I wanted to know about Zuri, Derek had not told me anything, Emanuel didn't know enough, Jesse told me no. So I decided to ask her. I was in luck that they had just returned anyway, I walked to her and she looked at me and did something I'd never seen. She smiled. I was shocked but she sighed and shook it off

"I was told to be nice to people and smile. It sucks though."

"Oh...uh you're fine, we stopped caring that you hate us"

"I don't hate you guys...I just know you'll die and leave so why care about you?"

"Oh...I uh wanted to ask you something"

she nodded slightly as if telling me to continue so I did

"is it okay to ask about how you're connected to this?"

"oh, when I was little I watched my father turn into a vampire and my mother a banshee, she was screeching and he tore her throat out then I killed him and Derek, with Jesse got me out of there and followed the old man, Now we're here."

I was shocked she could say it with ease like that, now that I knew I felt bad for even asking really but she had left before I could tell her so I gave in and went back inside.

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