Goodbye Sisters

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Zoe, Queenie and Bubbles gathered in the dining hall enjoying lunch with some of they fellow witches, whereas Jax, Madison, Myrtle, Cordelia, Mallory and Coco gathered upstairs in Cordelia's office discussing Mallory becoming the next Supreme and Langdon.

"So, just give it time. That's all we're saying." Cordelia stated.

"What if we don't have time? Michael told you he was coming to kill us all." Mallory informed.

Cordelia took Mallory's hand to comfort her.

"We'll be fine as long as we stay here, in this house. I put all of Robichaux under the protection of an aura shield. Every witch will be safe, but any human, demon or other will find it impossible to step through our front door." Cordelia revealed.

Suddenly, Jax has a weird sensation soar through his body. Jax looks back towards the door. Madison notices something is wrong with Jax.

"You okay?" Madison asked him.

Jax nodded and turned back to the others.

However, Jax' senses were right as Dinah was infiltrating the Coven, allowing Langdon and Mead  ambush the witches downstairs.

However, Jax' senses were right as Dinah was infiltrating the Coven, allowing Langdon and Mead  ambush the witches downstairs

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Langdon walks into the dining hall, greeting the witches. Suddenly, Zoe and Queenie throw whatever they can salvage at Langdon, however, Langdon stops the oncoming attack. Langdon launches the objects back at the witches, injuring all of them. Mead walks into the dining hall, a machine gun now replacing her hand and begins to shoot and kill the witches.

Suddenly, Jax falls to his knees in pain.

"Jackson, what's wrong?" Cordelia asked as she rushed to her son's aid. Madison helped Jax up.

Jax holds his head in pain, then looks to his mother.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Jax informed.

Coco stood up quickly and went for the door.

Jax quickly blocked the door.

"No! The Coven has been infiltrated. It's too late for the others. I'm sorry, Mom." Jax stated.

Cordelia looks at Jax with tears in her eyes.

"Everyone get out the window now!" Jax ordered.

The girls left through the window, followed shortly by Jax.

"Jax, what do we do now?" Coco asked.

Jax' eyes turned red as he turned to answer Coco.

Jax' eyes turned red as he turned to answer Coco

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