Chapter One - Getting Lost Somewhere (Bokuaka)

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"Bokuto-san, do you know where we're going?" Akaashi asked as they passed the same store for the fourth time.

"Yeah! We were at Pike Place Market and we need to get to Dick's Drive In. It's... umm... This way!" Bokuto shouted, heading off in another direction, though one they'd already tried.

"Bokuto-san, face it, we're lost. Can't we just find someone to ask for directions?" Akaashi asked, tired on wondering the unfamiliar streets of Seattle, Washington. "Do we even need to go there? We've passed plenty of food places already that we could have gone to."

"AAAKKKAAAASHIII! Kuroo said that when we visit Seattle we have to try Dick's!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Did he now..." Akaashi deadpanned.

"He did. Come on, keeping walking." Bokuto said, trying to drag Akaashi behind him.

"Will you at least check your smart phone for directions? Or are we to wonder Seattle for eternity and starve to death?" Akaashi asked.

"Oh yeah, I guess that would work too." Bokuto said, pulling out his phone and Googling Dick's Drive In for directions.

"Well?" Akaashi asked, looking over Bokuto's shoulder.

"There's one a couple blocks from us and one about half an hours walk away. Those are the two closest." Bokuto said, showing Akaashi the screen.

"Seriously?" Akaashi gave Bokuto a look.

"'Kaashi don't give me that look! I've never been here before!" Bokuto wailed.

"Finally, I'm starving." Akaashi said when they finally made it to the restaurant.

"See? I knew we'd make it!" Bokuto grinned at Akaashi.

"Yes, Bokuto-san, we did. And you're paying." Akaashi said, moving forwards to order.


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