Chapter Nine - Truth or Dare

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"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Suga asked one evening after dinner at training camp in Tokyo.

"Sure." Daichi said, sitting down next to Suga.

"Yeah! Can I invite some people from Fukurodani and Nekoma?" Hinata asked, jumping up.

"Of course, the more the merrier." Suga said.

"Awesome! Be right back!" Hinata called behind him, running out the door.

"Kageyama, are you going to play?" Suga asked.

"Sure." Kageyama said.

"What about you guys?" Suga asked Ennoshita, Tanaka, Narita, and Kinoshita.

"I will." Ennoshita said.

"Of course!" Tanaka yelled. "Noya, truth or dare!" He called down the hallway.

Nishinoya and Asahi came into the room. "Awesome!" Nishinoya said.

"We'll pass." Narita said, sitting with Kinoshita.

"I'm back!" Hinata jumped back into the room, followed by multiple members of both Nekoma and Fukurodani.

Everyone sat in a circle and Suga wanted to make sure everyone knew everyone's name. "Let's see... I'm Suga, then we have Daichi, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kageyama, Hinata... Umm... Akaashi-san, right?" Akaashi nodded. "Bokuto-san, Kuroo-san... Sorry, I don't know names for the rest of you." Suga pointed to each person as he said their name.

"This is Kenma." Kuroo said.

Everyone else went around and said their name. Inuoka, Yaku, Taketora, Lev, Konoha, Komi.

"Awesome. Let's start." Suga said.

"Suga-san you're first." Hinata said.

"Truth or dare, Suga?" Tanaka asked.

"Dare." Suga grinned.

"Hmm... Dance without music for 20 seconds." Tanaka said.

"That's easy." Suga said before standing up and doing just that.

"Daichi-san, truth or dare?" Ennoshita asked.

"Truth." Daichi said.

"If you had to kiss anyone here, who would you kiss?" Ennoshita asked.

"Suga." Daichi replied without missing a beat.

"No surprise there." Suga laughed.

"It's Asahi's turn." Daichi said, blushing slightly. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Asahi replied.

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever caught someone doing?" Nishinoya jumped in to ask before Daichi could say anything.

"Ummm... I've caught Daichi and Suga making out in the club room before." Asahi said, blushing.

"Wah?!" Hinata exclaimed.

"That's not embarrassing, Asahi." Nishinoya said.

"It was for me." Asahi replied.

"Moving on." Daichi said.

"Noya, truth or dare?" Suga asked.

"Dare." Nishinoya said.

"Kiss the person to your left." Suga grinned.

"Really?!" Nishinoya's eyes lit up. The person on his left was Asahi.

"You said dare." Suga said.

Haikyuu/Yuri on Ice DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora