Chapter Twelve - Caught "Borrowing" Flowers (Ennotana)

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"Your garden doesn't look as full as it used to, Ennoshita-san." Suga commented.

"I know. I think someone has been stealing my flowers." Ennoshita replied.

"Have you told the police?" Suga asked.

"Why would I? They're just flowers. Plus, it's not my lively hood or anything." Ennoshita shrugged.

"Want me to mention it to Daichi?" Suga asked.

"Nah. I just said I don't need the police, Suga-san." Ennoshita rolled his eyes, walking back into his house. "Did you want more tea or are you heading home?"

"I think I'll head home. Thanks for having me over." Suga grinned, handing his cup over to his friend.

"I enjoyed the company." Ennoshita said, putting both cups in the sink to be rinsed later.

"You sure you don't want me to talk to Daichi? You know he wouldn't mind looking into it." Suga asked again.

"I'm sure, Suga-san. A few missing flowers is hardly police business. And Daichi-san would look into on his own time, if you told him." Ennoshita pointed out, leading Suga back towards the door.

"That's true. Let me know if you change your mind though." Suga said, slipping his shoes on.

"I will. I'll see you later, Suga-san." Ennoshita said.

The next morning, Ennoshita got up and went to water his garden only to find more flowers missing. "Can't they at least take the ones from the bushes so it's less noticeable that they're missing?" He sighed, filling his watering can.

That evening he text a text from Suga.

Suga-san: How was ur day?

Ennoshit: Ok.. more flowers missing..

Suga-san: I can still talk to Daichi?

Ennoshit: Nah.. Just frustrated

Suga-san: K

Ennoshita sighed and threw his phone onto his desk. Deciding to find the person responsible, Ennoshita camped just inside his door where he could see his garden. Staying up as late as he could, Ennoshita watched his garden. Just after two a.m., he fell asleep.

Waking up the morning wasn't fun, he had kinks in his neck and back from sleeping against the wall by his door. Yawning, Ennoshita got up and walked a couple steps into the cold morning to check his flowers. "Dang. I missed them."

Ennoshit: Tried staying up to catch them.. didnt work

Suga-san: 1 txt to Daichi while hes working and hell be there

Ennoshit: Im going to try getting up early instead of staying up late

Suga-san: Good luck

The next morning Ennoshita got up at four a.m. to try to catch the thief. Just before sunrise, Ennoshita saw someone sneak into his yard. Jumping to his feet, Ennoshita went to the door and opened it a crack to try to catch a glimpse of the thief. The thief came close enough to the light from his porch that Ennoshita could see his face. He was gorgeous.

Ennoshita snuck outside, "You know, if you don't want to be caught, try taking the flowers from my bushes instead of the stemmed ones, please."

The thief jumped and turned around. "Wha-??"

"If you took flowers from the bushes I probably wouldn't have noticed." Ennoshita said, shrugging.

"I would have given you money to replace them but I'm low on funds right now." The thief said, scratching the back of his head.

"You could have asked. Why do you need flowers nearly everyday?" Ennoshita asked, walking down the couple steps to where the thief was.

"I'm trying to impress this girl.." He blushed.

"Oh." Of course.

"She won't tell me what her favorite flower is so I wanted to give her lots of them. Eventually I would have gotten it right."

"Well, if you plan on continuing to take my flowers, I think I'm going to require you to help me work the garden. That way you don't have to give me any money." Ennoshita suggested.

"You don't even know my name and you're inviting me to work at your house?" The thief asked.

"You don't know mine and you've been stealing my flowers."

"Borrowing with intent to pay back to replace them."

"You can't borrow flowers."

"Well, if I'm going to be spending time with you, you should know my name. I'm Tanaka Ryuunosuke."

"Are you implying I can't just keep calling you thief?" Ennoshita raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, you can but.."

"I'm Ennoshita Chikara. Nice to meet you Tanaka Ryuunosuke."

Over the next couple weeks, the two grew closer and were soon friends.

Suga-san: You never come see me anymore

Ennoshit: Been busy

Suga-san: With who ;) ;)

Ennoshit: No one

Suga-san: Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I don't know you're blushing rn

Suga-san: Whats his name??? ;) ;) ;)

Ennoshit: He's no one

Suga-san: So you admit theres a someone?? ;) ;) ;)

New Message to: Thief: You're ruining my street cred

Thief: What street cred???

Flower Boi: My friend thinks I blush because of you

Thief: Do you blush bc of me??????

Flower Boi: Why would I do that??

Thief: Bc im sexy

Flower Boi: You're so full of yourself

Thief: Hey chika

Flower Boi: Yes, Ryuu?

Thief: Do u like me??

Flower Boi: Why are you asking Ryuu? Shimizu-san turn you down enough?

Thief: Thats not it.. but i think im starting to like u and if u dont like me than id rather be turned down now

Flower Boi: Ryuu, I've liked you since the moment I saw you taking flowers from my garden.

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